Horror Gone Wrong

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I heard my heart beating against my chest as i walked down the stairs. As i got to the door i heard that sound i had been dreading. Breathing coming from the door. I was to scared to open it. As i pulled my hand away from the door it opened. My heart felt like it had stopped to be as quiet as it could be. It felt like it was scared to. "Brooke!!" The voice screamed as i hid in the shadows of the shelves that were way taller than i would like. For their was a phone on the shelves and i was very short for a 13 year old.

As i looked at the old drunk man pass me. I began to run when he was out of sight. Then i saw a shaddow in front of me. O astopped in my tracks as it was the mans best friend. He grabbed my arm as hard as his buff hands could allow. And then he called the man who was my uncle. My uncle came running in saying he was worried about me and once he had hugged me, He slapped me so hard i couldnt feel my face afterwards he and his friend started beating me. Once both of them had stopped they raped me. As my Uncle did every night. He didnt care how much i cried as long as he got what he wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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