Primus ch1

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Jack walked down the dark and cold halls of vector sigma, as he traveled farther down the herd scuttling as if something was running in the shadows, "Whos there!" he shouted as he turned toward the sound, all he saw was darkness. He spotted a pole sticking out of one of the walls he walked to it and yanked it out, "This will do." he commented brandishing it like a club, 'I wish i had brought my P-35' he thought as he continued to search for vector sigma, 'would be a whole lot easier to defend myself if i had it.' HE reached the end of the corridor it opened into a huge room with a platform in the medal, "that must be it" he said as he walked closer, on the floor there was a hole, he poled the key out of his pocket and placed it inside, the key began to grow and began to pulse, "THe download has started." he said over the come, but all he got in response was statec, "I must be to fare underground." he said to himself. Several minutes past, "This is going to take a while." he sighed leaning on his weapon, "Scheich!" jack spun around at the loud screech, down the passageway stood the insecticon that had attacked him and arcee on the surface. 'scrap he must have gotten past arcee!' he cursed in his head as he got in a battle stance, "Come on!" he shouted at the insecticon, THe insecticon let loose another war cry charging forward, jack charged as well. As jack got closer to the insecticon he jumped into the are and swung his metal pole down as hard as he could on the insecticons head, a clang was heard as it heat its market, but left no damage, the force of the insecticons charge caused jack to be flung back, he smacked into the key he was protecting, a loud SNAP! rang throughout the chamber as jack sled down the key, he coughed up blood, "THat all you got!" he challenged as he tried to stand up but fell back down, "Screech!" the insetecon cried as it charged again running its potted gingers ito jack's body, jacket grunted and coughed up more blood, "You lose!" he said as he pulled a grenade out of his pocket the pen missing, he cooked it down the insecticons through, "Schree." The insecticon began before it's head and spark chamber exploded, it fell backwards its claws leaving jack's body, "Ya! that's how you kill a bug!" he shouted before coughing up more blood, "I guess this is it." he said as he saw darkness creeping in, 'arcee you better be alive, because i'm not.' he thought before darkness took him away from the land of the living.

At cybertron's core:

Jack saw nothing nothing but black, than he saw a small blue light, he tried to move toward it but he couldn't move. The light got brighter till it got blindingly, "Jackson Darby!" a strong voice said from the blue light, "yes" he answered, "I am primus, you have shown great courage and loyalty to my children, especially my prime." primes sayed, "Where am I?" jack asked, "You are in between life and death, i brought you here to my core so i could give you a choice." He answered, Jack looked confused, "What kind of choice?" Suddenly another bright light appeared beside the blue light of primes, "THis light will take you to the afterlife where all beings go when there life in the living is over, you may choose this light or.." A green light appeared on the other side of primus, "..You can rejoin the living and finish what you started when you came to cybertron, reborn." he said powerfully, "THe choice is yours." Jack looked at both lights, he thought about the autobots, his mother, raf, miko, and fowler, but most of all he thought about arcee last he saw her she was fighting a insecticon, she fought for him so he could live. His mind made up he turned to the green light as the wight light disappeared. "Be prepared young prime, many new obstacles weight this path." Primus sayed as the green light enveloped jack.

Vector sigma:

jack gasped as his eyes opened, he looked around and saw he was lying on the floor of vector sigma, he saw the key and the insecticon body nearby. He rolled onto his back and pushed his body up off the ground but as he did this he saw his hands, well what should have been his hand instead of his human hands he saw two metal white and green bordered servoyes, he gaped at them before looking at the rest of his body, his body had the same coloring of his servoeys he was made of metal, he rose from the floor on shaky peds before gaining his balance and standing tall, he stood at the same height as optimus. He began to exam himself, "Amazing" he whispered, before he caught the key blinking in the corner of his optic, "The download is don jackson, now go and fulfill your destiny, Wayward prime!" Primus sayed before fading away into stasis again, Jack stared at the key for a minute before picking it up, "I will." he said boldly gripping the key frimley but getly to not break it, he looked down at his waist and saw a silver belt with puchus to place his girl in he slept the key into one. he continued to check the other poches and found them empty, "COuld use these to store quit a few things." he said, he then noticed that there was a holster strapped to his right thigh, he pulled the gun out, "Woh!" he said "It's my P-35!" he said excitedly, "But it's bigger." he checked the magazine and saw a slight glow come from where the bullets would be, 'yep, energon powered, just like it too' he thought as he inserted the magazine and holstered the women, he looked at his left thigh and saw three more magazine, "THis is gonna be fun!" he said as he ran down the passageway he had come down before, 'know time to find arcee and get aptalis back!' he said in his head. he reached the entrance to vector sigma its doors ripped open, as soon as he stepped outside the entrance sunk back into the ground ceiling it's selfie as if it was never there. He began scanning the area for his partner, he spotted a pile of ruble off to the side, sticking out was a blue servoe, "ARCEE!" he called as he ran to his partner, he through the rubble away. "arcee!" he said as he unbeared her, He began examining her looking for any serious injuries, from what he could tell there was nothing wrong besides a few scrapes and dents. "Must have been knocked out by the insecticon." he mumbled, "Jack!, Jack!, ARCEE! someone answer!" he heard ratched call in his head, "Ahh!" jack yelled as it surprised him ,"Jack!, Arcee! Redmond!" ratchet continued to call, Jack fumbled with his audios trying to answer like he had seen the bots do. "Rachet, can you hear me?" he called, "Thank primus! We lost your signal! what happened?" Ratchet asked, "I was in vector sigma it blocked all communications." jack answered, "I have completed the download and am on my way now." he said, "What of arcee?" Ratchet asked, "She's fine, will be there in five klix." he said cutting the connection, 'there's no time to explain what happened till after we get back' he said to himself as he picked arcee up bridle stile. "Now time to make a run for the bridge." he said as he got a better hold on arcee, He began running down the deserted streets of cybertron.

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