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It could be viewed as an enigmatic chain of interwoven fates and destinies, all aligning into a single picture that becomes the ultimate representation of everything alive.

To reiterate, it could be viewed as such.

For me, I saw life as a simple straight line. We are born, we exist, we die. The things that happen in-between the three are simply occurrences that we face and forget.

And before you start to cringe and complain about how 'incredibly pessimistic' I was: think about it.

Do you honestly remember that one person that held the door open for you everyday in school? Or the one time you finally held open the door for them, only to realize that they were gone?

If the answer is yes, I'm envious of you. I wish I could've remembered small details like that. I wish I could've made more out of my life than what was actually there. But the thing is....I couldn't. What I saw and experienced in the slow days of my life felt like going through a routine I'd spent 17 years memorizing.

When I entered school that day, I assumed that it was going to be no different than the last.

"Katrina," my best friend leaned against the locker next to mine as I brought books out of my locker. "Eager as always, I see."

I raised an amused eyebrow at him before retorting, "Michael. Invasive as always, I see."

"Ha-ha," he mocked with a roll of his green eyes. "What's on the agenda today?"

"What else, doofus?" I shut my locker and we began our walk down the hallway. "I thought you would've realized by now that my life is quite repetitive."

"And you're okay with that?" Michael's eyebrow piercing glinting as he quirked it.

"Of course not," I sighed. "I'm just comfortable, I guess."

Someone accidentally bumped into him, making him sneer in their general direction, but as he faced me once more, his eyes returned to their usual softness. However - this time - there was a glint of determination in them.

"We're going out tonight," he stated as we approached my class.


"No buts! The only butt I want is your little one meeting me at the park at 5, get me?"

"Mikey, it's a school night," I pouted, stomping my foot as we paused near the doorway.

"We won't be out long," his hand booped my forehead and I glared up at his 6 foot 1 frame. "Can you please just trust me?"

I mumbled curses under my breath before finally nodding at him. "Fine. Also, my butt is not small, okay? It's decently sized."

"Course it is, Kat," he chuckled before shoving me into the room. "See you during break!"

I sent him one last wave before plopping down into my seat with a large sigh, the feeling of calm that I always felt around Michael leaving my system in a millisecond.


Considering the amount of unbearable boredom I was feeling, save for the few times I saw Michael, the rest of the day passed by in a quick flurry of events.

Soon, I found myself sitting in the park at 5:30, my best friend still AWOL, despite making the plans himself. Knowing him, this was no surprise. His lack of punctuality was both charming and irritating in its own special way.

"I would apologize for being late, but it wouldn't be sincere."

I turned my head towards him with a smirk, understanding full well that this was indeed true. Michael was always living in the moment, not caring to worry about the outcome until it arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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