Who killed Rose Hathen?

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No more character submissions please, all the characters have been taken. You can still get involved by voting for the murderer, and if this goes well... who knows ;)


Ok... so this is an interactive crime drama murder mystery sort of thing. The basic idea is that you have your fundemental characters, I write a short paragraph from the perspective of each main character, and you interpret that how you will, fill out a character form and start solving the mystery. What no one knows is who is the murderer. Only one of the eight characters listed below killed Rose, and after everyone has submitted their character form I (as the Chief Detective on this case) will contact the murderer privatley and give them further instructions. You are all suspects.

Every so often you will be interviewed as to who you think is the killer. You must write a paragraph explaining this, and why. Readers will then vote out who they think is the killer. I will afterwards reveal if they were or were not the killer. For obvious reasons, if I tell you that you are the killer, you must make NO REFERENCE to that in your writing. Otherwise... lifetimejailsentence for you ;)

The homeless man

You were raised in a series of unsuccessful foster homes, before losing your temporary job at a local supermarket. For the past three years you have been living on the streets, finding shelter and food however you can. But last night something unexpected happened. You witnessed a murder.

The MI5 spy

Investigating the local mafia on behalf of the government, you have discovered possible links between the Russian family and a local supermarket.

The mafia head

Formely serving in the Russian army, you now run an underworld of drug dealing, illeagal weapons selling and hit man for hire. You love your son, and your wife, although you pretend not to care for them- it might ruin your reputation!

The mafia thug

Hired by the founder of the local Russian mafia, to most people, you are no more than muscles to get the job done. But is there more to you than seems? Did you know the murder victim?

The mafia head's son

Unloved, always by your father, you willingly do his bidding and wait as heir to the head of the mafia. But do you hide a dark secret?

The supermarket founder

When you got lucky on the lottery, you decided to spend your million opening a new supermarket chain. But how much of your fortune did you have left, and what linked you to the Russian mafia?

The supermarket manager

Best friend of Rose Hathen, you were distraught when you heard of her murder. But how could you know... whodunnit? And could you want revenge?

The supermarket worker 

Overworked, underpaid... working a night shift has its drawbacks. But when, in a silent stock room, you overhear a plan for murder, can you speak up when the victim is found?

Tada! So if you want to take part, simply comment your desired character below, along with this information:



Short description of appearence:

Short description of personality, habbits:

Remember- don't reveal anything your character would want to keep a secret. At this stage in the procedings, YOU DID NOT KILL ROSE. But, (as specified above) you may have a secret, so don't tell everyone *duh* otherwise it won't be a secret anymore ;)


Who killed Rose Hathen? ~ Interactive murder mysteryWhere stories live. Discover now