Forbidden Desires

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Chapter 1

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I yelled out towards the car just as my parents were shutting their doors. After i watched them pull out of the driveway I hurried back inside my house. Finally, after all these years, they trusted me to be home alone again. It would be weeks before they returned.

At first I was almost jealous that they were going all the way out to California. I've wanted to go there desperately. That was until I found out I was actually being allowed to stay home. After that, I was all game. Counting down the days until they left probably made it seem longer, but I couldn't help it. The last, and only, time I was allowed to stay home I got freaked out and called my boyfriend. He came over instantly. Unfortunately for me, my father was paranoid and had cameras all around the outside of the house. Dad was aware when my boyfriend got there and also aware that he never left. Needless to say my parents cut their trip short and were back the next day.

Thinking back to that night when I was 16 started to freak me out. I remembered it clearly.

I was sitting in my room reading Twilight for the third or fourth time. Being home alone wasn't all it was hyped up to be considering I couldn't have anyone over and I didn't know the password to even get on the internet.

Just as Edward was about to save Bella from probably being rapped by a bunch of guys someone pounded on my front door. Instantly my heart started racing, partially from the part of the book i was in, and partially because no one was supposed to be here.

"Calm down," I told myself. "It's probably just Cody."  I jumped as the person pounded again. If it was Cody, I was going to kick his ass for scaring me like this. He knows I'm home alone and he knows I get scarred easily. Not that it ever stopped him from scarring me. Cody seemed to find it hilarious when I screamed. What a great boyfriend he is.

When I got to the door I decided it was better to be safe than sorry and peeked through the peep hole. Right away I realized it was no use to see outside considering it was eleven at night and the motion light burnt out weeks ago.

"Who's there?" my voice shook.


"OK then. Apparently they gave up," I must have seemed like a crazy person talking out loud to myself, but it seemed to help me keep my head. After waiting another moment to make sure the person really did go away I headed back out of the kitchen to go lay back in my bed.


My heart leaped out of my chest as someone banged on the living room window. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. As i stood there frozen I could hear someone running along the rocks to the next window that they proceeded to pound on. Deciding not to wait for the person to continue their torture I bee-lined it straight for my room, not daring to turn on a single light. As soon as i was close enough I dove for my bed and hid under the covers. I heard one last bang on the front door and then silence welcomed me.

It took several minutes before I dared to make a sound, but I finally gave in and called my boyfriend to come stay with me.

The memory made me shiver. Instantly I reached my hand out to lock the front door. Who ever tormented me that night never came back. My parents thought I was making up an excuse for why I had my boyfriend over so they never bothered watching the tapes anywhere before Cody got here that night.

This time would be different. I was a legal adult so I couldn't let this get to me the entire time. After checking that all the doors and windows were locked throughout the house I decided going online was the perfect way to calm my nerves. Before I knew it they sky turned dark and I was yawning.

There wasn't much in the house to eat and I was to tired to make anything anyways. I shut down my laptop deciding I would wait until tomorrow to go to the store.

If only I would have gone that night instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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