The bad guy I love. co-writing by zavalajzz and LaurenPearson0

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My name is Ashley. Ive got a boyfriend. Gerard I used to love him. We were always together, and people saw us as a perfect couple. I don't know what happened, in the year process of this very loving relationship. I think I began to lose my feelings for Gerard.He noticed it to.After that well ,he started to be controlling. Every time I wanted to go out with my friends, he would tell me I couldn't go. Even if me, and him weren't going anywhere together. I listened, but after a while I went out anyway. Gerard would hear from people that had seen me. I would get in trouble. But, we never broke up, which was exactly what I wanted.

I didn't have the guts, well not now to brake up with him. I somehow knew that when I did, it would end up really bad, for both of us. It would hurt him as much as me. This year we spent together wasn't easy. He wouldn't be to happy of me giving up just like that. I sensed that he maybe would try to hurt himself or someone. That's how angry I think he would get. I knew him very well, but maybe not. He was letting out a side, that I never had seen before. A more aggressive, controlling side.

When I fell in love with him he seemed perfect. He was a good guy, a gentleman in fact. I think that's why I fell for him.For those moments of my life, when everything was perfect, I actually thought that maybe we were meant to be forever. Now I realise I was dumb, and blinded with the love that was once there. I'm only sixteen how could I think we were meant to be forever.When I still had my whole entire life ahead of me. How long was this going to go on for ? Of course we weren't meant to be, but I was only now seeing it. Once the love faded.

The bad guy I love. co-writing by zavalajzz and LaurenPearson0Where stories live. Discover now