Winter dances and being sick again!!!!

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Okay, I am sick. It's really not that bad but I refuse to leave the house. Mostly because I don't want to go to school, even though I will be swimming in homework. I originally thought it was strep throat ( did I say that right????) but it was actually just sore. Although, I have a runny nose and right now it's not stopping anytime soon...

But let's talk Winter dances because why not! So a few weeks ago, I went to a dance with all of my friends. When I got there, me and a friend of mine were wearing the same dress, instead of being embarrassed I just yelled " TWINSIES YAY!!!!" I am completely normal I swear. The dance went on for 3 hours...after an hour and 30 minutes, the horribleness started. I started noticing my feet were becoming a dark red. Now I was wearing dress flat shoes, which I never wear EVER. So I was freaking out that people would judge me for my red feet. But no one really cared at all. At least I was not wearing heals! That would suck because all the girls were walking around without their heels on, so there was a possibility of losing them. And I wonder if there is going to be one for Valentine's Day? If there is I will make sure to a forever alone person with my friends!!

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