My body is like...

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I ran my hands along my black dress in a sensual manner before grasping the microphone with both hands. I take a deep breath as I look out into the crowd before me as the alcohol ran its course through my veins. I scanned the crowd until my eyes landed on my husband, he had a bottle of Hennessy on his table and he looked at me like we were the only two people in the room. When I'm up here I feel like I can communicate with him, I feel like he can hear me, see me. I lick my lips and open my mouth and pour my soul out in front of a room full of strangers. This moment of vulnerability is what I live for.

"My body is like...a honey"

I close my eyes

"My body is like honey that you want to suckle"

Faint hoots erupt in the crowd and I can almost picture the hostility on my husbands face.

"My body..."

I open my eyes and scan the room

"Is like candy..."

I chuckle

"Only you are on a diet and can only imagine how sweet I must taste on your tongue but you know if you have a bite you will loose all control. My body...MY body.."

I take a deep breath

"My body is like an ocean you cannot begin to explore.It has depth. It runs so deep and has layers upon layers of crevices that you can't begin to imagine that will take you away to parts unknown. My body has been dipped in chocolate, kissed my God. My body was hand crafted and made in his image. My body is worth more than a hey girl can I get your number, My body is too special for a baby I swear this is the last please give me one more she meant nothing to me..."

I locked eyes with my husband.

"My body is like everything good in the world trying to balance out everything bad...I guess what I am trying to say is my body is like...don't mess up a good thing."

The crowd erupted into cheers and I broke out of my trance and smiled

"Thank you everyone for coming out for open mic night at my lounge. This place means everything to me and it wouldn't have been a huge success without people like you coming out and supporting my craft. I love each and everyone of you and we have about 1 hour left until closing to show my appreciation and to celebrate my lounges 3 year anniversary I am opening up the bar all drinks on the house for the rest of the night."

Cheers erupted in the crowd and I laughed

I jumped as I felt an arm wrap around my waist and realized my husband had walked onto the stage. He grabbed the mic from my hand and whispered in my ear

"Baby you are a little tipsy you might regret that in the morning"

I gave a fake smile for the audience and kissed his cheek slowly and whispered into his ear.

"Did you regret waking up naked next to some ho in the morning"

He looked at me then back to the crowd and plastered a grin on his face

"Before you all go enjoy the open bar I have a little gift for my beautiful wife."

He snaps his fingers and my staff runs on stage with a huge cake lit with sparklers. I gasped in surprise. It was beautiful! the cake was decorated in pink edible flowers and glitter with my name written in beautiful script in the middle. I teared up as I hugged my husband.

"Thank you"

He looked back at me amd smiled

"Anything for you baby. I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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