I Know Where That Is

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It was the same every day. Work, home, bed. It seemed even more so after that godforsaken year that passed previously. It seemed to take forever, but finally Victoria's life had some stability.

She closed her laptop and sighed, resting her folded arms atop it, chin on her arms. She was 24, and lost. After all of the insanity the year before, she'd been lucky enough to finish her studies online and graduate from The University of Rhode Island with a degree in English. But... what would she use it for? Half of the jobs were eliminated as companies found out how easy it was to hire contractors to work from home. A lot of the schools were still online, and not interested in finding new teachers.... At least she could still count on her part time work at the bookstore. It was better than nothing.

"Vix," a voice came from behind her, startling her out of her pity party, " please tell me you're not having another existential crisis at the wall." It was Emilie, her roommate/landlord and best friend.

They, along with their friend Jamie, lived in a stately Victorian home that Emilie's Aunt had converted into a set of very roomy duplexes. When Aunt Ruby had passed away the year before, she left Emilie the house. Emilie, in turn, used the opportunity to move out of her highly expensive one bedroom apartment and ask her friends to join. Instead of rent, she just asked that they helped her with fixing things up.

"Oh of course. You know, as per usual." Victoria smirked over her shoulder at her friend. "One day I'll be able to figure the whole universe out by staring at that wall."

"Oh and then we'll all be sorry." Emilie rolled her brown eyes and laughed. "Come on. Movie night." She nudged her friend. "We're watching your boyfriend."

"Oh don't I wish." Victoria fought a blush as Emilie made mention of her only celebrity crush, actor Shane Dalton. He was the recent star of the latest waterfall of superhero movies. And he was a semi-local boy. Victoria couldn't help but be smitten the moment she saw him on screen.

"You know, word is he's still upstate chilling." Victoria got up and, avoiding stepping on the tail of Squash the cat, headed into the kitchen. "Probably like an hour from here."

"You're not a stalker." Emilie snickered. She followed her friend, grabbing a pot.

"I am not!! I just follow people on Twitter that.... know things" Victoria's blush deepened in embarrassment. Sure, she knew the town. And where it was located. "It's not like I got a map of the town and google earth-ed his house."


"You be nice or no popcorn." They made a face at each other. "It's a small state thing. We all tend to know things."

"Funny," Emilie poured the corn in the pot, "I live here too and I didn't know these things."

"Yeah well. You know other things. I'm a wealth of useless pop culture information." Victoria leaned against the counter. "Besides, how weird would that be? 'Hi I saw you lived here on Twitter so I figured I'd walk around town until I saw you.' Not creepy at ALL."

"Are you being creepy again, Vix?" Jamie's voice came from the door.  Emilie yelled yes as Victoria yelled no.

"That clears things up." Jamie nudged his shoes off as he walked into the kitchen, running a hand through his short dark hair. "Oh god, popcorn! You girls are the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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