What is wrong with this place?

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Secondary school , always hits you hard , just a few months ago I was dreaming about this day and here it comes. I dont know if you relate to me right now , maybe you are in the higher standards or maybe you are the kid of the president of India and so confident that you were born to be the Srk from k3g of your school. But in my case (and other normal people's) I remember how my hands were shaking not just because I was scared or anxious but also really excited... Most probably
because I wasn't aware about the hellhole secondary is...
It was terribly overwhelming .. Yeah I know I had the same batchmates and whatever but the teacher all looked like nazis to me.. I was always afraid of the all Regina George looking seniors (including boys) and ofcourse the feeling like your an alien was really helping my anxiety.. Oh thank god I found some people who looked terrified of this wildlife as much as I was so I walked up to them - but not too slow because I would loose them ,but also not to fast because I didnt want anybody thinking that I was some kind of Oompa Loompa running with a sack of chocolate - and once I reached them we started talking about something that I don't remember because I was too busy trying to run up the stairs and reach my class as soon as possible...
Okay shoot sorry I forgot to introduce myself well I am Avira Chattopadhyay ,A few things about me , I am an extroverted introvert , I like reading books , I like singing, dancing and all those other hobbies your parents force you to perform in front of the guests ,and for now thats it but don't worry along this journey you will find out a lot more about me including a lot of embarrassing stuff like how I used to drink sesame oil when I was 2 I know gross..
Coming back well all these years in primary,me and alot of other delusional kinds dreamt of secondary being the land of the free and the kingdom of the brave etc basically we thought we could sell cocaine to our teachers and they will be fine with it, especially girls we thought that all these Champak comic characters a.k.a boys will magically turn into Harry styles overnight and then we could date them just like how they show it in all of the American teen dramas.. by the time we reached fifth grade all of us already started acting as if we were Shanaya Singhania from SOTY and I don't even wanna get started on the boys ,ofcourse according to them they are the next Tom Cruise everybody.. Woot woot
Actually sorry to burst your bubble 10 year old self nothing like that is gonna happen, NOTHING.....
I am sorry but these next five years are not gonna be like a music video they are gonna be like the concentration camps from the 1940's
P.s again : please please please ignore the grammar I tried really hard to make it a little bit better but this was the best I could do, this chapter is basically the intro don't worry it will get better,I trust my drama..
Well as we move ahead in the story there will be many parts that involve things that happened in real life as well as fictional so please remember one thing all these stories come from my perspective and they may portray me as the good angel in some of them, don't get offended thank yoouuu😻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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