Chapter 1

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No one's p.o.v.

Clyde Bloodworth had just turned 21, and he received a mysterious letter on his birthday that he didn't know where it came from. It didn't have a return address or anything. Just his name and address.   

Clyde's p.o.v.

I sat on my bed just staring at the envelope in my hand that I had gotten 3 days ago on my birthday. I never opened it because I didn't know who it came from, none of my friends or family sent me anything. The envelope felt like it was made of parchment which is weird because people now a days don't use parchment as paper. Either way it completely unnerved me. I studied the envelope more looking at the cursive handwriting. It had my name and address on it perfectly. I turned it over to see it sealed with wax, which again, no one uses this kind of thing in this era. 

"HEY! SOMEONE'S CALLIN' YA PHONE!!! HEEEYYY!!! SOMEONE'S CALLIN' YA PHONE!!" I jumped when my phone started yelling at me and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked a bit nervous.

"Hey man!" I heard the voice of my best friend, Lei. 

"Hey, Lei. What's up?" 

"Nothing much, just wanted to know if you wanted to hang with the gang tonight?" She asked. 

"Yeah, sure. Uhh... Where are we going?" I asked her scratching my head.

"The usual bar." 

I nodded, "Alright, um..fuck... what time?"

"Around 9pm."  was her response.

"Alright I'll be there." 

We said our goodbyes and she hung up. I continued to stare at the envelope, half of me wanting to know what was inside it, the other half scared shitless to know. I decided against opening it for now and turned on the t.v. switching to the news. 

"Local man was arrested today for the murder of his wife and 5-year-old son." The news reporter started and continues to drone on showing pictures of the man. 

"God I hate people like that..." The longer I stared at his picture the more I got annoyed and ticked off and I started thinking of him being dead.

"This just in. The murderer has suddenly collapsed and isn't moving......." The was a pause while she listened to her ear piece. "Police have just confirmed that he died from a heart attack." 

I sat there shocked and confused. I looked at the envelope again and decided to say fuck it and see what it has to say. 

Dear Clyde, 

I know that I was never apart of your life and I am only sending you this letter to tell you about the power you possess. Now this is not a thing to take lightly. You have to be careful and mindful of what happens since you can only do it five times a year. The power you possess is called instant kill. All you have to do is picture the person you want dead in your mind and it will happen. 


Your Father.

I sat there not knowing what to do you say. I mean I knew that I was adopted, the people who raised me made sure that I knew that. But I never thought that one of my biological parents would send me something out of the blue, let alone on my birthday. Half of me was angry and the other half was just a bit numb. I was angry because after all this time of not sending me anything they thought that they had the right to send me something on my twenty-first birthday. I was numb because even after all that time without knowing me or anything they dropped a bomb in my lap telling me that I have a special ability to kill people by just thinking of them. I didn't know what to do... I mean I did just witness on live t.v. that that asshole who killed his wife and kid died... I shut the television off and just stared at the parchment that contained the way I see life now.

I jumped when I heard someone knock on my door and went to go see who it was. I opened it to see my friend, Joni.

"Hey, Clyde." She greeted me and pushing past me.

"Hey, Joni... You alright?" I questioned her as she came in and started pacing around in my living room.

"What did you do?" She whispered harshly at me.

"W-what do you mean?" I looked at the letter that was still sitting on my coffee table.

Joni looked at the letter then looked back at me, "Don't tell me you just fucking read it?!"

I hesitantly chuckled and nodded.

"Ohmifuckinggod!" She yelled running her fingers through her hair.

"Wait... How did you know it was me?" I questioned her glaring a bit.

Joni paused and then sighed, "I guess I don't have to hide it from you anymore. Clyde, just as the letter said that you have an ability to kill people... Well I have an ability too. Although it's not killing anyone its more of I can see into peoples lives when I shake their hands or touch them in anyway."

"That must really suck ass when you bump into someone on the street." I chuckled only to get hit in the head with a magazine by her.

"It fucking sucks ass man. Because I know every gross detail of everybody's personal life and I hate it." Joni shivered putting the magazine back down. "But you can't just kill people willy-nilly like that!"

"Then how am I going to control it? Or better yet! How am I going to help people with my ability? I mean imagine the world being a better place if I killed all the assholes and criminals out there?" I asked her.

"Clyde.... Everyone is an asshole one way or another...." Joni sighed sitting down on my couch, "This is a hard ability to have.... Like you have to choose who you're going to take out precisely and when your going to do it and how many people you're going to help by doing it, too."

I sat down next to her to think, "You're right...."

"I know I am."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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