Chapter One

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          "There's been another raid." Albus Dumbledore looked around the living room of the burrow, where they were meeting. He was silent as he let the words sink in for a moment. The members of the Order of the Phoenix stared back at him as they processed the words. Another raid? That was the third one in two weeks!
          "Who?" The question, asked by Remus Lupin, seemed to bring everyone out of their trance as they all straightened in their chairs, waiting for the answer.
          "Fenrir Greyback." Albus waited for a moment before continuing. "His whole pack was killed."
          "What?!" Molly Weasley gasped, clutching her husband's hand. "Even...even the ch...children?" Albus gave a solemn nod. There were more cries of outrage at this. Greyback was one thing. He was a devoted Death Eater when Voldemort was still alive. But children? They were innocent, werewolf or no werewolf. This kind of violence hadn't been seen since the second war.
          "Is there any clue of who's doing this?" Arthur Weasley asked.
          "Yes." Albus took a deep breath. "Harry Potter."

          "So that's why we weren't allowed to attend the meeting," Ron said quietly from his hiding place at the top of the stairs. He took the extendable ear he'd stolen from George and stuffed it in his bag.
          "T...they can't be serious!" Hermione's eyes were full of tears ad she turned to her boyfriend. "Can they?" They both stood and hurried back to Ron's room as they heard the door downstairs open.
          It was silent for a long moment. Hermione was sitting on Harry's old bed, holding his pillow. Suddenly she sat up straight, startling Ron.
          "There's one person who might know the truth." Ron raised an eyebrow.
          "Hermione, we've looked everywhere for Harry," Ron began but Hermione shook her head, her auburn curls falling in her eyes.
          "Not him. Draco Malfoy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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