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Avni was standing, clutching the railing , leaning her weight against it ignoring the "Danger" sign board yet again, Just like the thousand times she did ever since she accidently discovered this cliff as A hidding spot one fine day while on a run chase with her emotions. This place was like an oasis of Serenity amidst the busling city.Her eyes were trying to engross the tranquality the peacfulness the calmness, the ambience was providing.

On one side there stood majestic sky kissing trees.Their knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as her head could lift.The foliage were dark yet so refreshing. While On other side The mountain cliff was barren with dry sand. If u look down,u'l see the sea was like a rippling blanket of brochure-blue. The waves in the distance are like white creases on a vast bale of velvet.The pulsing heart of the sea causes a gentle swell making the waves cascading onto the shore and swiftly uncoiling them like Playing a KABBADDI with shore.The horizon was edged with a silver tint and a cormorant was flying into that place where sun and water meet. His wings were a blur of motion and he soon faded from sight. Breathtaking, Wasnt it?

And suddenly she felt proud of herself for sole reason of discovering this place which, not to forget, was an accident.She used to visit this place often in search of peace of heart and sanity of mind but since now all this can be easily found in her husband's arms, she barely comes here. But then Those Arms and that husband was discovery of this place itself. Thinking about the same her vision automatically took a ride of time machine and landed in that fortunate day, almost an year back, when she Met Neil the cop, presently her husband, for the first time in the same place she is standing right now..

Her eyelashes became heavy with weight of salty water brimming along them and her heart swelled up with warmth as she Recollected and Relived her Memorable Moments with Neil, starting from The way they fell in this same sea. Not only he saved her from drowning in this sea but also from drowning in sea of her Anger, Fear, hatered and Revenge. Once she looked back she found herself to be a new but a better version of herself, the one she never knew existed inside her. She was invisible to herself but this Man always finds his Ways to Reach her, her inner self. Yes she has come along a long way and he never left her side in her Journey. And Today she was going to let him know all these, all her feelings..all her thoughts..untarnished , untempered, uninhibited and completely raw. The thought made her lips parting into a lovely smile with a tinge of shyness in it.

Here she was enjoying her Joyride, her "Me-time" and he was going insane searching for her in whole city like a maniac cause obviously she chose/forgot, he'l decide later, not to inform him about her whereabouts.
Khanaa house - check
Neela Ma's place - check
Chamko cafe - check
Our Appartment - check
Graveyard - check
Ayesha ma's house - check
Aman's college - check

And still There is no sign of her.

"Damn Neil Think where she can be" he screamed out of sheer frustration and fear of loosing her, banging his hand on steering wheel. She is out of his Sight for whole day and the "n" number of possibilities of "what if" were killing him every passing second.

He calmed himself and switched on his "Supercop Active" mode, and mind u Supercop plus Angry Husband mode together is a Dangerous Combination.

"Wait, i am still Missing one place..! Damn u Wifey..!" Neil's overtime worked senses finally came up with a hint.

She was still in her bubble yet His presence didnt go unnoticed to her. As soon as Neil entered near cliff taking long strides, eager to fill the gap between them, she turned only to be greated by unstopable scoldings of this Angry Young Man who is Her Reason for survival and who look damn Unresistable when angry. A fact even he is Oblivious to.

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