Dreamy Douchebag.

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When Julia awoke in the morning she lay still, figuring out what to do with this cold Sunday morning. She had woken up early, at the dreaded time of 5:00 am. She decided to go to church as she hadn't been in maybe two months. She put on some black jeans, a plain white shirt, slipped on some running shoes and her winter coat and got in her car.

After Mass, she called up her friend, Maurice, to see if she was free.

"Yeah! I'm free today! Wanna go downtown? Maybe check out the cute guys?" Maurice shouted excitably.

"Okay, cool. Meet you at the Second Cup across from the big ass OTTAWA sign." Julia said happily smiling to herself. She loved Maurice, she got excited so easily, was funny, kind, a bit temperamental and jealous, but a pure sweetheart.

"'Kay, see ya there, Jules." Maurice replies and hangs up.

Julia continued to smile to herself all the way there.

    Julia walked into Second Cup and quickly searched the place for Maurice. Not seeing her, Julia decided to just buy a coffee and some macaroons while she waited. Before she finished ordering she quickly decided to buy a coffee for Maurice too. She handed the women two twenty dollar bills, after she got her change back she headed to the high seats with the electrical plugs stuck in them and waited for Maurice.

Suddenly Julia heard a loud sigh so she looked up and saw Maurice covered in snowflakes. Holding back giggles Julia brushed some of the snow off her head; Maurice took off her coat and placed it on the back of her chair. Julia laughed when she realized Maurice was also wearing snow pants. Maurice took off her scarf and defensively muttered "What?"

"You- your outfit! We aren't pre-schoolers." Julia laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Jules. I dress for the weather."

"Okay, here's your coffee, ya big idiot. Let's head out."

"B-but I just got here!" Maurice protested, putting down her coffee.

"I've got macaroons..." Julia said tauntingly, heading towards the door.

Maurice quickly put in her coat and scarf, grabbed her coffee and caught up to Julia.

   After about an hour of talking in giant lawn chairs next to the big ass OTTAWA sign a few cute guys walked past.

"O. M. Gosh. We should go up and talk to them!" Maurice squealed.

"You seem overexcited. I'm really cold though... so sure, some movement wouldn't hurt." Julia sighed as she got up from one of the giant lawn chairs next to the big ass OTTAWA sign.
  When they got nearer to the guys Julia heard one of them specifically say "I'm like, the freaking best. Any girl, or even guy, no homo though, would be lucky to have me."

Maurice still greeted them however and shook their hands. Julia politely said, "Hello." and declined shaking their hands.

"So, like, what's your names? Do you want an autograph?" The douchebag of a guy dragged out.

"Um, no. We'd best be going, we don't even know who you are." Julia replied, getting increasingly frustrated, she grabbed onto Maurice's arm to drag her away.

"But Jules! We just got here, we should introduce ourselves!" Maurice stated ripping her arm free.

"Now that's more like it! I'm surprised you'd want to leave so soon, am I not handsome?" The douchebag jokingly teased.

Julia then grabbed Maurice's arm again and dragged her back to the coffee shop.
"What are you doing!?" She whisper screamed.

"I think the guy is attractive, sue me." Maurice sarcastically replied about to go out again.

"We travel to the bathroom in groups to get away from that type of guy! What are you doing?"

"I'm going back out and I'm asking him out on a date!" Maurice huffed. She righted her hat and headed outside.

"Ugh. Fine! I'm heading home though! I can't stand guys like him!" Julia shouted at no one in particular, then she got in her car and drove home.

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