The Assassination Attempt

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Air Force One (Friday 22nd November 1963)

"You know Jackie if someone wanted to shoot me there's nothing anyone could do about it." Jack said as he looked out at the sky.

"I know bunny." Jackie replied as she fixed her hat. They had just freshened up as the flight landed at Love Field in a few minutes. Jack was now sitting on the sofa reading a document. Once Jackie had finished posing in the mirror she joined her husband. Jack extended his arm and pulled her into him.

"I love you Jack." Jackie whispered.

"I love you too." Jack smiled. She looked up into his green eyes only to be met by his lips. She kissed him passionately. As they pulled away they saw Kenny standing awkwardly at the door.

"Just to let you know we're landing." Kenny said.

Jack nodded before Kenny left. "You look beautiful." Jack whispered as he felt the plane hit the runway. "Thank you." Jackie grinned as she smoothed her pink suit.

Once the plane landed Jack and Jackie stood up and headed to the door. As they waited they glanced at each other. As the doors opened Jackie descended the steps and Jack followed closely behind. The sun was very bright and the crowd was massive. When the couple reached the bottom of the steps they were greeted by two officials. Jackie was handed a bunch of red roses. She and Jack then headed to the crowds. The secret service was standing directly behind the president and first lady. After ten minutes of the rope line Jack slipped his hand into Jackie's and they walked across the air field towards the car. When they reached the presidential limousine Clint opened the door for them. "Thank you Mr Hill," Jackie smiled before sitting down. Jack sat down beside her and leaned back to ease his back pain. The Connelly's then got in the middle seats.

The car left Love Field and headed for downtown Dallas. The highways weren't busy; there were a few people but not a massive crowd. At one point Jackie slipped her sunglasses on. "Jackie, take them off I want everyone to see you." Jack whispered as he turned to face her.

"Ok bunny." Jackie replied as she rubbed his knee. Once the car was in downtown Dallas Jack waved to the crowds. At one point when he stopped to talk to some people Clint jumped on the back of the car as it was too close to one side but as they started to move again he jumped back to the back-up car. The car trailed along slowly. As it turned on to Dealey Plaza Jack took his wife's hand. She smiled at him. From the middle seat Nellie turned round.

"You can't say Dallas doesn't love you Mr President." Nellie said.

"No, you certainly can't." Jack grinned.

As they were half way down the street there was a loud bang. Quickly followed by another, Jack moved his left hand to his shoulder. The pain was searing and his hand was covered in his blood. "Jack!" Jackie yelled. She pulled him close and let him lay his head in her lap. She then bent over him and stroked his hair. He was pale white and had sort of tears in his eyes. She could see the shot wound. She began to panic when suddenly she heard another bullet it went straight into Connelly's head and part of his skull exploded. She heard Nellie scream. As she looked back at her husband Clint jumped on to the back of the car and shielded them. She pulled his jacket away and pulled his tie and shirt open. As she did she began to shake. She shoved her shaky hand into his shirt and on top of the wound; she held her hand tightly against it. The bullet was lying on the floor.

"Jack can you hear me, listen to me Jack." Jackie whispered.

"Yeah," Jack managed to say.

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