Chapter 1: Taken

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Paranoia can both ruin your life as well as save it. Unfortunately mine was not strong enough to keep my life from being turned upside down once again.

I was just finishing up another moon lit shift and speeding through the city streets on my dark blue motorcycle. A gentle rain had started and the tiny water drops stung against my face as I drove back to the station to clock out. Blood was splattered across my plain gray t shirt and police issue pants from the night’s events beneath the full moon, so I had the buckles on my black gothic style leather trench coat closed to keep people from freaking at the sight of my clothes beneath it. Because, if they didn’t freak at the sight of the blood, they might question the bullet holes in my shirt with no wounds on the other side. Sure, my trench coat wasn’t police issue, but it sure could take a beating, was stylish, and easily covered up my beaten and bloodied clothes when things got messy on the job. I also liked how it waved in the wind as I drove my motorcycle…and the best part is that no one cared that I wore it. In the beginning they were super anal about me sticking to the dress code, but eventually they were just happy I didn’t show up to work in my pjs. Which, yes I did do once after working a double shift two nights in a row. Other non dress code items that had worked their way into my every day apparel were a set of fingerless black leather gloves, a pair of dark sunglasses, black combat boots with steel toes as well as heavy metal buckles up the sides, and on occasion a black fedora when I wanted to emphasize the detective look. I also religiously wore one of my black leotards underneath my clothes just in case I might need it.

I parked my bike in its usual spot and walked into the station. Upon seeing my closed coat, the secretary rolled her eyes asking, “So what excuse are you going to give me tonight on how you ruined yet another uniform and need me to order a replacement?” I reply, “Do you really want to know or can you just put in the order without us going through this routine for once?” She taps her pen on an order form saying, “From the beginning. You know I can’t submit the forms without the proper information filled out. But, if you want to wait five minutes the day girl should be clocked in soon and she always loves to hear your wild stories of how you managed to damage more equipment, lose your sidearm, or ruin the few items of the mandatory uniform you do actually wear.” I reply, “I’ll be at my desk. Send her by to get me when she relieves you.” She yawns as she says, “Will do.”

I begin to thoroughly clean my knife with a clean rag I keep in my top desk drawer when a shadow falls over my desk. I look up to see the smiling face of the day secretary. Excitedly she asks, “So what happened this time? And don’t leave out any details.” I put my silvered hunting knife down and begin to walk to the front desk with her as I tell her about the night’s events.

The night started like any other did when a full moon was rising. I was on patrol riding my bike through the city streets as I waited to catch a stray scent or the sound of a chilling howl on the breeze.

Eventually I caught the scent of fresh blood coming from a back alley. I parked my bike and cautiously entered the darkened alley. I could hear the sound of teeth crunching on bone and knew I was too late to save the victim. A few steps in my eyes adjust to the darkness and I can see a dark furry shape crouched over the body of a middle aged man.

My boots crunch on some broken glass and the werewolf spins, its full attention locked onto me, as it growls, “This is my kill, get your own.” Annoyed, I growl back, “This is my territory that you are hunting on, so do not take that tone with me. You are lucky that I did not kill you on the spot for not asking my permission before entering it, let alone hunting on it.” A gentle breeze picks up and it scents the air. Its eyes go wide in recognition of my scent. Then it growls, “What kind of a weak alpha would not punish an insult such as that with immediate action? I think that you must be unable to take your true form to fight me on even ground, so I will be taking this territory and all of the prey within it for myself.” I growl back, “Then there is no avoiding this. You will die at my hands tonight. So, prepare to meet the moon goddess in all her glory.”

The Moonlight Chronicles (Book 2: TrueBlood Rising) (in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now