Chapter One

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Y/n part
I scroll down my Instagram news feed the same thing I do most of the day
Let me introduce myself

My name is y/n y/l/n
I don't have any friends
And I love Finn Wolfhard

I know the gorgeous Finn Wolfhard everyone loves I know he'll never fall in love with me but I can imagine it right?

I giggle at his New meme photo that I loved so dearly
I'm your typical fan girl posters and merch scattered my room so much my siblings hate walking in they complain I talk about it to much and by it I mean the movie IT also stranger things I don't have any friends so I just imagine being friends with the it and st cast oh what a life that'll be anyway I get ready or school it's my last day before winter break I'm so excited to get out of this hell whole
*skip school cause I'm lazy*
I get home and sit on my bed I don't really talk to my family
I smile reading a post on the Instagram news feed someone was creating a Finn Wolfhard groupchat I smiled and dmed them I got so excited what I didn't realise was these people was going to be a big part of my life

Family - Finn Wolfhard fan fiction  Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα