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Chapter One

Words - 1801

"I don't want to go." I heard a sigh from the left of me. Turning my head I saw my sister giving me a stern look.

"Come on. Once the day is over we can go out for ice cream." Mary, my sister, responded.

"I'm not a kid anymore."

"You're acting like one." Huffing, I opened the door of the car and stepped out into the cool breeze. I hadn't completely gotten use to the coldness of Colorado. Grabbing my denim backpack from the back of the car, I walked through the car park towards the door. That dreaded door which held the future of the next 2 years of my life.

"I can't hold your hand forever, just think of this as the next big step into adulthood." Mary said as she caught up to me.

"I just don't want to repeat last year." I sigh in reply. She just nodded. It made me cringe at the thought of last year and I pulled my blazer sleeve down more. Last year was the reason I moved schools, states even, but it was necessary.

Every step lead me closer to that door I talked about earlier. I had to make a good inspiration or I'd be a goner. 'Make good choices.' I think to myself. Last year I defiantly didn't.

"Don't dwell on the thought." Mary said, cutting through me thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I question but had a slight hint.

"You're thinking about what happened. Don't." She was right. The past is in the past, I need to think forward and do forward.

Then the door was right in front of me. Mary opened it for me and gestured for me to go in. I hesitated but went in anyway. There weren't many people in the halls aside from those who were late. One girl looked at me as I walked down the halls, my sister on my right. She was in the same uniform as me. Black skirt that went down to three quarters of the thigh. A white formal shirt that had a pocket on the left side of the chest, that school emblem was in it. Hartford Denver Academy were the words bellow the emblem. Navy blue blazers with blue trimmings, the emblem was also on the left of the chest but with no pocket. There was also a blue ribbon were a tie would be. She smiled. I was shocked by her, use to the death glares but smiled back non the less, a big smile at that.

I turned the corner but ended up on the ground. Confused I looked up to meet a pair of sexy brown eyes; more like orbs. They looked like chocolate, so delicious and delectable. Most people think brown eyes are just plain and boring but not these ones. They had a glint of mystery in them making me want to know the owner of them.

"Watch where you're going." The handsome man grumbled and walked off. I blinked, a little overwhelmed with what had happened. Didn't want to know him anymore. He was too rude. Mary helped me up.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I murmur, my mood had dropped but I have to get through this day. I know how hard it was for my sister to move. I need to do it for her. She had a look on her face of concern.

"Come on," I continued. "Let's go, I'm already late." Mary looked like she was going to say something but stopped herself and turn to walk down the rest of the corridor, the office was at the end.

Click, clack, click, clack. The sound rang in my eyes, making me more nervous. I want to run back home, jump in my bed and never come out. But I didn't.

Mary went first into the office, I followed. There was a middle aged woman at the desk. Also in the office was a boy wearing a uniform, This uniform had a navy blue tie instead of a ribbon and navy dress pants with a black belt holding it up instead of a black skirt. Unlike the handsome man I saw earlier, this boy had more, well, boy-ish looks. Don't get me wrong, he was very cute but cute isn't my type. Still, some ladies like it. He looked up from the sheet of paper in his hands and smirked. Maybe he thought I was checking him out? It sure looked like it but really I was just a very observational person. I still grinned back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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