The cuts fade but the scars stay

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My eyes fluttered open, and the black that had became so familiar to me turned into a blinding white light. I tried to sit up but the pain was to agonising I almost blacked out again. After I had recovered I turned my head to the right to see what was making that constant beeping sound. That when I realised I wasn't breathing on my own, I had a machine do it for me. I must be in hospital but I didn't know why? All I knew was that there was a huge throbbing in the side of my head and no feeling from the waist down. I reached over for the call button and pressed it repeatedly until a nurse arrived. She was a young serious looking nurse, looking around 21 years old.

"Oh my God, Alisha,you're awake", she breathed.

I didn't know why this came to be a big surprise to her it's not like I was dead or anything.

"I am awake" I said which came out more bitchy then I intended, "and who are you may I ask".

"Oh sorry I'm Belinda your nurse", clearly taken back by my tone, "you're in hospital dear".

"I realise, but which hospital", I asked hesitantly.

"St Ann's memorial hospital in London, I'm not surprised you don't know where you are you were in an awful care accident with your friend Sophie almost three months ago, we though you were going to die"'Belinda replied.

"Three months! Are you telling me I was in a coma for three months" I replied with a gasp.

"Yes, I'm very sorry I must leave you need to get some rest", Belinda said sadly.

"I've been resting for three months can you at least answer some of my questions...please" I asked quietly.

" I really shouldn't though I guess it couldn't hurt" Belinda replied clearly defeated.

"Thank you, ok you said my friend Sophie was in the crash", I said with a hint of triumph in my voice.

"Yes she was though she wasn't badly hurt just some broken rips and a extreme break in her leg" Belinda said with tears starting to glisten in her eyes.

My heart to race faster and faster, I tried to calm down enough to answer my next question.

"There's just one problem, I have no idea about anything that has happened"?

The nurses eyes saddened greatly.

"We thought this would happen, you had a major blow to you're temple we were surprised it didn't kill you, that's why you've been hooked up to life support for so long"

She gestured the the machine on the left side of my bed.

"Would you like my to tell you as much as I know"

I nodded quickly without really giving much thought what I'm about hear.

"First though, would you like me to get you some ice chips, you're looking extremely hungry".

"Sure" I nodded but quickly stopped because the movement hurt my head.

When the nursed had left I looked around the room, the walls were so white and plain they were stifling. Instead of staring at the depressing white of the room I closed my eyes and tried to remember any memories I had about the moment before the crash.

The nurse returned with a styrofoam cup after around five minutes part of me was relieved she was back but the other part of me just wanted to think.

"Here are your ice chips, personally I find them a bit tasteless but my other patients seem to enjoy them".

"Thank you", I mumbled back to her I'm not sure even if she heard.

"I told you I would tell you as much as I know so her it goes...You and Sophie were on you're way back from a concert you went to, you were going through a traffic light when a drunk ran a red light and hit the side of your car, the side you were as I said before Sophie's injury's were minor compared to yours, you were both rushed to hospital, we weren't even sure if you would wake up but well her you are now".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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