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Dan's eyes blinked open sleepily at the smell of microwaving breakfast sweets. Groaning, he rolled over onto his stomach to check the time. It must be eight or nine, he assumed. The phone glowed white as Dan was met with a barrage of notifications. It was only seven thirteen. What the frick?! Why was he awake so early? It was no use trying to sleep now, however, and defeated, Dan pulled his phone under the covers for his morning twitter scroll-through.

We Rate Dogs had posted a heart-warming picture of a puppy with its nose in the lens of the camera. It had been rated thirteen out of ten, but Dan thought it should probably be more like a fourteen. Daily dose of cuteness achieved, he supposed he was ready to commit to the struggle of the day. He finished scrolling and reluctantly flung a lazy leg out from under the blankets. The other followed, and, presently, Dan arrived at a sitting position. Phil had forgotten to make his side of the bed up again. Shaking his head, Dan fixed the whole bed the same way he did every morning. Phil never remembered but refused to admit defeat.

The next order of business was to take his meds and brush his teeth as he always did. It was a routine he valued greatly. Routine provided stability and stability he needed. The life Dan lived was chaotic by nature. Opening his bedside drawer, Dan was surprised and quite confused to find his medicine bottle nearly empty. He realized with horror that he had forgotten to renew his prescription with the doctor. One orange and green pill rattled at the bottom as if mocking him for his forgetfulness.

Dan rushed to the kitchen in a panic, bottle in hand. Phil glanced up from his computer, confused, as he dashed, in a blur of anxiety, to the kitchen drawers. The prescription slips were always there. Always. If there was any chance at sanity, Dan had to find one. If he was lucky, there was still a new round left. A frantic search left the man empty-handed and panting. It was at that point that Phil was notified of Past Dan's costly oversight.

"Just call Doctor Felding right now, Dan. I am sure it will be no problem for her to call in a new prescription for you."

He proceeded to do just that.

"Hello? Doctor Felding? This is Daniel Howell. I just found that I have forgotten to renew my repeat prescription and I have just run out of my antidepressants. Is there any chance you could call in a new one for me? I am so sorry for the short notice..."

"Dan. Hello. I am so so sorry to tell you this but I can not get the prescription to you until this time next week. Going off meds like this can be highly hazardous, so please, please, please drink lots of water and take it easy this week. My apologies again, I will let you know if anything changes."

Dan turned pale at those words, "Oh... Okay, thank you. I will try my best."

Hanging up the phone, Dan collapsed onto the couch, head flopping onto Phil's lap. After a brief explanation of the circumstances, the two kicked into brainstorming mode. They could not, however, see a way around the predicament. As hard as Dan wished and as much as Phil tried to fix the problem, there was only one way through: toughing it out. They had both been prepared for a busy week and Dan was beyond nervous. Slamming the last pill, Dan began his seven days of horror in silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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