
14 0 0

   I am a 14 year old girl. My whole life I've been skinny, until I turned 11. I started eating more and more and more, until I became a chubby little girl. My body never really mattered to me. I was always happy around my friends, and I never really compared myself to anyone around me. We never judged based on looks.

I grew up 2 years and turned 13, and that's when everything started to change.

At 13, I never really cared so much about my body image. I thought I should start dieting and working out, and I always made schedules, but they never worked. I continuously failed, but I never really took it seriously. It was whatever.

Until now. It was whatever until now.

I turned 14 on the 4th of January of 2017. A few months into the year I came across a lot of skinny girls. New girls started attending my school and I would always look at them and think "I wish I had your body". I constantly looked at myself in the mirror, hating myself more and more by the minute. It has gotten out of hand. 

My sister and friends would always take pictures of me and post them publicly, I would always be insecure. I would screenshot my pictures for "the memories", but truth is, I would look at them everyday and cry over how ugly I looked. I needed a change.

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