"Shattered Destiny"

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Hello, my name is Rick Giernoth and I have a personal mission. I will start at the beginning. As a child I had a dream. I had it hundreds of times. In this dream I sat at the stairs of a giant building that looked like it belonged in Ancient Greece. In this dream I watched people go in and out of the building. One day, a man came up to me and told me inside this building is everything man knows and will ever know. He said, it was my right to go inside and look. I was always afraid and never entered, instead opting to talk with this man outside the building night in and night out. I do not recall many of our conversations from that long ago, but I do remember him telling me about tones, vibrations and math. He told me these are the elements of the elements. I didn't know what any of it meant then but now come to think of that building as our universal consciousness.

As an adult I have theorized a billion times of what lied in that building(dream or not it effected me). I wrote a book about this, not the dream but a fiction work of what I think one of the possiblities is that I would have learned if I ever had the guts to enter. Like I said, I am on a mission. I want to share my theories on this with people in your community and more importantly...have them write me back after they read it and tell me their ending to this book. That is the bigger story here. Your ending. I have searched my mind, spritual books, religion, everywhere. I am now reaching out to you.

Can you please tell people about my book and my project and let them know they can contact me directly with their ending.

This is more than a book or philosophy. I believe it is a unique way to start a conversation and open people up to alternative paths.

This is bigger than a book or thought. It is about us. Thank you.

My book is called "Shattered Destiny" http://champagnebooks.com/shop/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&product_id=578

Brian’s wife Cassidy loves adventure, Brian doesn’t. She seeks ghost hunts, mystery quests and questions the unexplained; he wants facts, light-hearted conversation and to simply relax on their vacations. Cass always gets her way.

What Brian doesn't realize is that accepting Cass’ new adventure will not only send his life into chaos but the entire planet’s. Reincarnation, destruction and alternate realities are only the beginning of his journey.


"I know there's something here I'm missing." I looked closely at the mirror, trying to find some sort of camera behind two-way glass, anything that would give people visions. Nothing. Sitting in front of the mirror unsure of what to do, my exploration of the mirror ended. Relaxed and satisfied that there were no projection cameras behind it or speakers under the seats, I sat back looking for what others came to see. I didn't really want any visions of my own. I questioned what the "believers" might have gone through and wondered if their subconscious' put images on this blackened mirror for them to follow, a possible way of people opening up to themselves.

I gazed at the mirror without expression. Although fiercely black, the mirror gave off a faint reflection. My eyes moved in and out of focus. My mind clouded and spun. I put my hands over my face in an effort to gain some bearing. I looked up at my reflection. An unfamiliar setting took my view. The chair I sat in, gone, and I stood in a new place, unknown but non-threatening, a simple room I had never seen before, yet I never even stood up.

I thought I may have fallen asleep. The reality and control of my thoughts told me otherwise. I recalled sitting in the chair listening to Tim chastise the experience and Cass defending it, yet I stood looking out into an abyss.

A land of fog and shimmering beams of light overcame me. I screamed into the forever. "Is this a dream? If this is a dream, it's not like any other, that's for sure. Hello." The echo came back several times. The reporter in me wanted to investigate; my soul told me I was having an experience of the Manteum. I moved forward, remaining conscious of myself.

Air wisped past my cheeks, cold mist grazed my brow; the realm appeared to have no beginning or end. I moved on into the unknown without hesitation. I swiveled back and forth trying to find reference, billowing fog eclipsed sight. Blinded by the white cloud, I flailed my arms about in an effort to gain orientation.

"What the hell is going on?"

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