Words Like Knives

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The halls rumbled with laughter, just like the rain had rumbled on the roof of the school that fateful day. The students were laughing and it wasn't a good laugh. A boy with shoulder length black hair and a pink and blue pastel dress backed up towards the wall. The boy in pastel was Gerard, he was new to the school and obviously made a bad first impression.

"There is no escaping freak," A boy says smirking wickedly.

"P-Please Let- Let me go," Gerard whimpers tearfully.

"You think your a girl or somethin'?" The boy says shoving him back. "Trying to be funny wearing this girly little thing?" He let out a cackle at his own joke

"Ah- er. No I just..." Gerard started tearfully.

"Just what? Spit it out Fag," the boy sneers as he pins him against the wall.

"M-My mama, she er- she said.... She told me to- to do what I like to do," Gerard says trying to be brave. The boy shoves him down to the ground and kicks him. People laugh and jeer in insults.



"Ah do you like that Tranny?" The boy hisses as he crouches down and grabs Gerard by the collar of his dress. "Why don't you go and do everyone a favor and just kill yourself!"

Gerard whined in pain as the boy threw against the wall. They walk away bored now as the warning bell rings for the students to head to class. Gerard let out a strangled sob painfully pulling himself up from the ground. Gerard eventually stopped crying and looked down at his crumpled schedule on the ground. He let out a pained sigh as he walked to his first period class, Algebra.

"Mr. Lane, you almost ten minutes late on your first day," the teacher says.

Gerard murmurs a small "sorry" and awkward looks down. His cheeks were blushed with shyness and embarrassment.

The teacher sighs and says, "sit there in the middle of the back."

Gerard follows the teacher's directions and walks towards the back row. He hears something slide against the floor and next thing Gerard knew he was on the floor. His classmates laughed and made cruel jokes as he stood up.

"Walk much?" the boy nearest to him says laughing.

"Derek! Class! Silence! We're starting a new lesson today" The teacher hisses trying to quiet the class and begin teaching.

Gerard look down to see a black nike bookbag, it was what made the noise before he tripped. Someone had slid it so he'd trip over it. 'Great,' he thinks to himself as he sits down and pulls out his sketchbook and a light purple pen. 'I'm not even by the window.' He begins sketching. His sketch slowly began to take shape of a boy, a boy so familiar to him yet a boy he has never met at all. As he was finishing up his sketch a piece of paper flew and hit Gerard in the face. It bounced out and landed on his desk. He glanced up angrily to see it was the boy who tripped him, Derek.

Gerard flips to the next page of his sketch book with a sigh and begins redrawing the same boy as the last sketch but in a different scenario. He drew the short boy with tattoos in the corner of the hallway almost invisible behind the shadows of people. He glanced back up at the note, curious to what it said. He finally let the curiosity get the best of him. He opened the note.

'Best watch your back, Freak!' was scrawled in messy black pen onto the paper.

Gerard folded the paper up nice and neat and covered it in flowers and hearts just as the bell rang. He stood up gathering his things, he walked away leaving the note discarded on the desk. As it was of no use to him now that it's been full of doodles.

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