Sneak Peak

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Hi! I'm Kerry and this is an introduction to my Science Fiction, Obcasus. This is my large project and I have done a lot of research for this (I even went to Iceland on 01/03/18!). This is kind of the idea of the book and a first draft but I have completely rewritten the beginning and have changed up some ideas. For example, there aren't actually many arctic foxes in Iceland and Iceland isn't actually that snowy. Also I find that this chapter is actually kind of boring so I've added some action and made the characters more interesting with more history.

I do hope you enjoy and make sure to comment, vote and follow! Please feel free to comment any mistakes or plot holes :)

Iceland is an island of fire and ice. One third of the country is covered in ice, yet volcanic activity creates an abundance of natural hot springs and geysers. The relationship of the native Islandic people, rebels and government mirrors that of fire and ice. If fire, the government, were to meet ice, the rebels, the ice would most surely melt. However, fire cannot destroy the cold air surrounding the area, the Islandics, but carries an overpowering and intimidating effect on them.

Due to global warming, layers of ice (that looks like frosting on a Christmas cake) had melted, revealing fossilised animals; Arctic Foxes to be exact. By this time, 2053, cell's immunity to the diseases the foxes carry had moved on, abandoning 'immunity to something that no longer existed'. This rare disease found in these wild residents of the ice country, that (Insert description here) it (symptoms), is fatal and there is currently no cure.

(A/N I havent figured out what the disease will do yet, I'm going to talk to some doctors about it and look up some symptoms of various diseases. Comment any ideas you have)

For years the government looked over the suffering citizens of both this illness (once rare and now common) and starvation due to infected crops and animals too resulting in nothing to consume. By 2057, most farm land had to be dug up and rid of.

In 2062, humans started to starve and die out. The population had decreased by 18% in just 3 years. 2066 came by and the disease became worldwide as ships were taken out of Iceland to find substances for experiments. As each country was visited, and that country visits another and so on, it was sure to spread.

It wasn't until 2068 the Sæns (The leading regiment of the government that practically bought their way to power within the government) had finally agreed to fund and allow research into a cure, also to provide the required equipment and transport in the aid of a cure. Or even a prevention of the illness spreading.

Once upon a time... There were Arctic Foxes that carried a disease. 2074 and it started infecting humans.

"It was going to happen eventually, we just didn't expect it when it did. We weren't prepared. Obcasus began infecting humans too."

For the 7th time this year, I swear, we have been given this talk. Here I am in 2074, where I sit in a plain, gleaming white lab, far too clean for my personal comfort. I sit on a stall behind some gas taps and let my mind wander as the rest of the class listens well, as if they had never heard any of it before; the uninteresting lecturer now covering plain physiology that will not, in any way, benefit a world dependent cure.

Ever since the discovery of the fossilised Arctic Foxes in 2053, I have been working on a cure in secret until the Legal Act of 2068 declared it legal to do so. However, I still kept in the quiet about it, due to a feeling there were going to be consequences. Knowing the leaders (Primorice) of our current government, it is most likely the case that they would take advantage of the matter.

It's disgusting. And to think that in 2003 our biggest problems were 9/11 and terrorism! And in 2017 it was that the banks were buying medicine and prescribed drugs to sell them off for something more expensive to make more money! And now, money isn't the problem. It's making a stop to this hell. And I will make it stop. I will end it all!

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