Chapter 1

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Midnight had just passed it was pouring outside the Brooklyn City, oh god I hope David had arrived home safely, I get off my bed and grab my laptop as soon as it comes to life I head to my emails and I find an email in my inbox and it's from David .
- Arrived home safe, thanks P goodnight.
I finally exhale and I hadn't realized I was holding my breath while I was reading the email.So I fiddle with the keyboard not knowing how to respond so I went with
-It's my pleasure , as always.
I let out a sigh as I press send, I wonder why David makes me feel this way , everytime I see him, he makes me weak in the knees , I hear a beep from my laptop and I check it out.
-What are you implying when you say "always?".
He's testing my patience I laugh and stare at the email,I laugh as I type in
- I've always saved your ass , even when you don't need saving.
I blush as I hit send , I like sassy Penelope.
A few minutes later
-Really? Please carry on miss Stewarts l'd like to hear more.
Oh god he is even sexier when typing an email
Penelope Stewarts
- Would you like a list? cause I'd gladly make one.
A moment later
-Gladly , try me Miss Stewarts.
Penelope Stewarts
-Here goes nothing
1.At that meeting when you left your notes by the business and you had to improvise with me telling you what to say in your ear with the earpiece .
2.Or that time you were so drunk that I had to help you find your apartment.
3. When you spilled latte all over your laptop and all the business information was on it, and I had to stay up all night recovering the information on a new laptop.
Am I right or wrong?
That would surely shut him up.
- I am afraid that you are indeed correct , miss stewarts. And I think it's time for bed.
-finally admitting I'm right and yes we all have to work for a living not like you who already has everything he needs.
- You stand corrected, miss stewarts but even I have to work for a living.
Oh god he is so intimidating even on mail
-You have to understand miss stewarts that I had a rough start in life .
-What makes you so different from me?.
-Nothing , Get some sleep Penelope, I function on less sleep but you don't.
I finally quit fighting with David , I rest my case this man is irresistible and there is more of him tomorrow.
Penelope Stewarts @
-Ok, goodnight Mr Powers.

Chapter 2
I wake up , and feel warmth around me and that's when I know it's morning.
I glance at my clock it reads 7:45
Oh shit I'm late for work!
I quickly dress into my black elegant work dress and I head to work. By 8:35
I have already arrived at work and I head to my office, I find a bouquet of roses and only David knows that I love flowers. I smile as I smell them and  I read a letter that says
-Your my Muse
Love David
I head to David's office because it's my duty as his personal assistant, I head in with this big , wide smile on my face .
"Good morning Mr Powers".
He turns around and he is wearing all white his suit is entirely white besides his tie it is black and his hair is wet and I think he put gel on it .
"Morning , Penelope I trust that you had a good nights rest?"
How would he ask such a question , he knows I have been up all night talking to him . But I don't want to start a fight so I say
" yes, I had a lovely night sleep thank you ".
He smiles and he walks up close to me ,until we're only inches apart he says
" you know , I can tell when you're lying ."
I tense up then ease down
"That's very interesting ". I step away from him.
"Well Mr Powers , your schedule for the day is , you have a meeting at 9:00 and another one at 11:00 and then , another one again at 13:00".
"Miss Stewarts , can you reschedule my 13:00 I have plans at one ".
"When would you like me to schedule it for ?, because you are free on Thursday and Friday ".
"On Friday please, same time , same place ".
I like it when he talks business to me, my business man, my man crush Monday .
"Um penny?"
"Yeah , I got you a meeting at 13:00 for Friday".
And with that I walk out the door before I could he says
"See you later?"
"Yeah of course , later".
That rest of the morning I spend my morning reading through our emails from last night.
It's hilarious how he talks to me and how he talks to me on email, he's just so dreamy and he is my boss , but he could be my boss anytime.
My thoughts are interrupted by my line ringing.
"Penelope Stewarts , hello".
"Penny , come to my office please".
"Ok , I'm on my way".
As I enter his office , I see him sitting on his couch sipping latte.
"Hey you called me?"
"Yes , I did".
"Ok , what is wrong?".
"For a date night , red , black or white?"
My heart , oh no he is going on a date with a girl and that girl is not me ?But I try to hide my frustration keep it together penny I told myself.
"Well it depends on what the girl likes".
"Yeah , so what is she like?"
"She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met".
"Ok what is her name ?"
" I am afraid I can't tell you that".
"Ok, go get dressed so I can see it ".
A few minutes later he comes
"How do I look?".
He spins around
"Handsome "I smile .
"So where are you planning on taking her?".
"I haven't thought about that yet ".
"Ok if you were a guy taking a girl out where would you take her?"
"Hmmm the problem with that Mr Powers is that I'm not a guy ".
" Come on an idea at least ".
" I'd take her out for sushi and then bring her to my apartment, for some time to know each other better".
"I'm afraid that's not a bad idea at all Miss Stewarts ".
I glance at my watch
"Wow would you look at the time , I gotta go ".
"Where to ?".
"So early it's only 16:00 ".
"Yeah , I knock off at 16:30".
I turn around about to leave he says
Those four words make my heart skip a beat
"Tit for tat Mr Powers"
I laugh and head out his office and pack my bags and I head to my apartment after a long day at work , I open my apartment door slip off my heels and head to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine and sit on my couch by the fireplace. My phone rings and I check the caller Id and it is David .
"Penny come quick", he's voice is hoarse .
"David?! , what's wrong where are you?"
"I have been hijacked ".
What No!.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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