Chapter 2

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-Janay Pov-

"I needed some money. I'll give it back." My momma said.

"I told you that money was for me and Imani and you took it to go shopping! We have other bills to pay and you take the last little bit I had, to go buy unnecessary stuff bruh." I said shaking my head. I was so mad, I walked away before I snapped on her ass.

She know that money was going to be used to get diapers for Imani and wash our clothes, but she took it to go shopping. Bitch make me wanna choke her; mother or not. We can't keep living like this.

It's hard finding a job right now. I'm so used to doing things myself that I never ask a nigga or bitch for shit. Not even my own momma.

She too damn money hungry for me. Bitch can't even keep our lights on half of the time, let alone feed us, but somehow she always have money to buy shit she don't need. She always find a way to ruin my fucking day.

I sighed as I got Imani dressed for daycare. When i finished packing her bag I got dressed for school.






School was okay so far. My teachers are mad cool, but some of them give hella work.


I was glad when the bell rung because it was now lunch time. I made my way toward the cafeteria. There were so many people in the one lunch period. After I got something quick to eat I found a table and started to eat.

I was sitting at a table minding my business. I didn't notice someone standing in front of me, until he cleared his throat. I looked up, looked him up and down, then went back to playing on my phone.

I heard him clear their throat, again. It was one of the boys that I seen walk in not to long ago, with a group of boys. I just stared at him.

Like nigga talk.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked.

"You just did and your second is up." I stated going back to what I was doing. He chuckled.

"So you new here?" He asked. I hope he not trying to talking to me or strike a conversation, cause I do not want to talk. I just nodded.

"Well my friend over there said you need to get up from our table." He said pointing across the room to the lunch line to a fine ass piece of man. He was GQ material. But is he serious right now?

"Is something wrong with him?"


"Can he talk?"


"Is he handicap?"


"Then why he can't walk his happy ass over here and talk for his self?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hell I don't even know myself. But on the real you do need to get up."

"Exactly so it was nice meeting you whatever your name is, but I'm not getting up and you can go." I picked my phone up and went back to what I was doing.

Another nigga walked up to me. I looked at him, he looked at me.

"You sitting at our table." He said.

"Is your name on this table?" I asked.


"Okay then so this is not your table. We are in high school not little ass middle school. Find somewhere else to seat." I said.

"Hoe get up or I'll move you."

"Move me then nigga." He put his food on the table and snatched me up out the bench. Oh hell no. Everyone was eyeing us.

"Don't ever put your fucking hands on me nigga. I don't know what hoes you be fingering or who dick you be holding." I yelled at him. Who does he think he is?

"You must not know who I am?"

"Nigga you could be Obama and I wouldn't give not one fuck." I said. He stepped up closer to me and I stepped up too. Fuck he thought.

"I'm AK. When I say do something, you do it."

"Lil boy go find you a toy to play with and leave me alone. I'm already not in the mood and you speaking fuck to me ain't making it no better." I guess I hit a nerve because next thing I know he punched me.

"So you a woman beater? You like hitting girls, huh?" I said, laughing hyseterically, wiping the blood from my lip. I cocked my arm back and sent my first right by to his nose. He stumbled back some.

He was a bit taken back from being hit. Next thing I know we having a full blown fight in the cafeteria. Security had to pull us apart.

They took us to the office. I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I had a busted lip and a black eye., but other then that I'm good. I'll take some shit for the pain when I get home.

I walked back into the office to wait for the principal to call us. TK or whatever his name is had a black eye, busted lip, bleeding nose, and his shirt was ripped. His dreads where loose. I fucked his shit up too. I'm not a weak ass bitch.

"Mr. Anderson, Ms. Higgins, my office now!" She said. We got up and walked into her office. I don't have time to hear what she have to say, so Imma get straight to the point.

"Listen save the whole speech you prepared. Just give me my punishment, so I can be out." They both looked at me. Him more amused, but the principal mad.

"Since you're so straight forward Ms. Higgins. You both will have detention after school for two weeks." She must be stupid

"How long is detention?"

"From 3:45 till 5:45." She said. hell no I have to pick up Imani at 5:30.

"I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Personal issues."

"Which are?"

"Personal." I retorted back.

"And I have to take care of my sick grandma. So I can't do that." Jackass said. You know a lie when you hear one.

"Then since neither one of you can't do detention. You'll serve two weeks in IS." She said filling out some papers. That's better, but hell I might not even go to that, then again who knows.

She handed us some papers and sent us to class. We were walking out the office when he stopped me.

"You new here and everything, but you will respect me. I run this school and these streets. You better act like you know who I am for now on or you'll be floating in the river some where." He said gripping my arms tighter. I snatched my arm from him

"First off nigga don't ever touch me. Secondly, you not running shit, but your mouth right now and all I'm hearing is blah. Thirdly, don't throw threats make promises. And last but not least, if you want to fight with me then bring it on playboy." I smiled and walked away from him.

I see I got to teach this nigga some real shit.

The rest of the day flew by. I picked Imani up from daycare and went home. This internal suspension start tomorrow. Oh how goody. Not!

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