Chapter 1

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      "Love you Jax, be safe I'll see you in three months" I say to my twin brother as he walks away for the army.

         I walk into our apartment and go to my bathroom to look at the little stick that will forever change my life. You might be confused let's look back a couple weeks ago.

        I had just found out Jaxson was officially leaving, he had talked about wanting to go in the army but I thought he was joking. I was upset and decided to go out, let this be know this is completely not me normally and I regret it.  I was slightly drunk and a guy I've known for a while, Adam, took me to his house and let's just say after talking for a while I passed out,he drugged me, and then rapped me.

           Trust me I'm not proud but there is nothing I can do now.

As I look at the pregnancy test it's positive. I sit on the floor crying because I told myself that i had a plan and was sticking to it, go to college, become a teacher, and then look into marriage and kids.

Deep into my thoughts I hear a loud knock on my door. When I open I'm met with Meloney's smiling face that instantly drops when she sees me crying.  Meloney married my brother Oliver four years ago and acts like a biological sister to me.

      "Whats's wrong June?" she asks with much concern

         "'m.......... pregnant...." I say while looking at the floor and walking to my living room.

          Mel follows and sits right next to me saying "I know you don't want to but you should tell everyone right now, just to get over with it."

I understand what she's saying but I don't think telling all my brothers will be smart especially once they find out what exactly happened and by who.

"I know but they are going to want to hurt someone." I tell Meloney in a shaky voice

"why? Is there something you're not telling me?"Meloney can read me better the Jaxson which is incredible because Jax knows everything.

   "I ws rade." I said so quickly that Mel could barely hear and didn't understand.

     "June say it slower." Is all Mel says

   "I was raped."

Mel sighs and just hugs me, it was really comforting until she broke it to tell me we need to get my brothers here. I knew this was coming but I just hoped not so soon.

Mel texted in our family group chat that there was to be a family meeting at my house.

3/4 of my brothers showed up between 20 minutes of the text going out, Jaxson wouldn't find out I was pregnant until he comes back in 3 months for thanks giving.

Of course Oliver was the first to speak, him being the oldest and most protective, "what's going on?" He asks whole looking at me and Mel on the couch together.

"June has some news to let you guys know." Says Mel trying to calm everyone down

"Well what is it?" Asks Isaac, he's always been the closest to me besides Jax

"I'm pregnant." Is all I have to say before all 3 boys are up pacing the room.

"WHAT THE HELL?" yells Oliver

"OLIVER!!! Don't speak like that to June, she doesn't need you to go all mean raging brother on her, she's going through a lot." Says Meloney in her very stern "mom" voice

"She's the one that decided to have sex why aren't you more upset at her?" Asks Oliver

At this point I'm so overwhelmed and begin to cry again, I run to the closest bathroom catching Masons eyes he just looks completely worried, Mason is the "cute shy guy" most girls fall for but is always so serious.

When I'm in the bathroom crying my eyes out I hear Meloney yelling at the boys to get their shit together, her words not mine, and be more supportive. When I've claimed down more I decide to go back out.

Mel walks up and gives me a hug, when Oliver walks over he hugs me and whispers he's sorry in my ear, Oliver has always been the father figure that I haven't had for years, so his hugs and words have always ment the most.

"Thanks Ollie but there is one more thing I should tell you"

"What now?" Asks Isaac like nothing could be worse

"Well.....I didn't choose to have sex" I say

"What do you mean?" Asks Mason I was shocked he said something because he doesn't do these intense conversations well

"I was raped,"


"Well you see I didn't want this to happen, you get too worked up over something that was particularly my fault." I told him

"Just tell them how it happened" interrupts  Mel

"The night I found out Jaxson was joining the military I got upset and decided to go out to the  bar I was a little drunk and went home with a friend. We got close and he must have slipped something in the Gatorade i was drinking, I passed out and woke up to him getting off of me zipping his pants up"

"June, who is the guy? We can get him in serious trouble for this." Mason said calmly before anyone could say anything else. I was happy it was him not any one else I knew he'd handle this the best of at least act the calendar while I'm around

"Well you see, its...." I fade away from

" just tell us who the fuck it is. "  yells Isaac


"Who?" Mel asks

"Adam" I said as I got up and went to my room

"Oh" is all I hear Mel say while the boys yell

"That mother fucker" screamed Oliver
"I know he was trouble" is the last thing I hear before there's a quiet nock on my door

I open the door to find mason standing there. I fall into his embrace and cry on his chest. He hugs me tight and whispers that it's going to be okay.

After a couple minutes we walk into the living room.

"Well we've all talked and said we are supporting you in whatever you want to do." Says Mel as she hugs me I smile and say thanks

"I know I for sure want to keep the baby." I tell my family and they all agree

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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