No name

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A/N: Hi ^-^ just a few quick things b4 you start reading. The picture belongs 2 damonone. If you are him and you dont want your picture on here plz message me and i will remove it. other than that enjoy the story

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High school. A teenagers worst nightmare. Especially since I have ears and a tail. My name’s Aasha but almost everyone calls me kitty or kitten. I was born I a back alley and was brought to the Natural Healing Center on the north-west side of the boarders.

There are four boarders that separates the two regions. One for humans and the other for nons. The Nons are the non-humans. Meaning vampires, shape-shifters, demons, witches, ext. I guess I would be considered a mix. I’m a shape-shifter/ Human hybrid. I know of no one like me.

I can morph into a cat. A simple street cat with orange/red fur and stripes. In my human form, I have short ginger colored hair, a face full of freckles and blue eyes. The only thing about my human form is that it has the ears and tail of my cat form. Two cat ears pop out of the top of my skull and a trail of fur from the two come down and connect at the base of my skull then continues in a thin line down my spine til it hits my tail. I also have strange dark stripe looking marks coming down my shoulders.

Growing up at the NHC I was always around germs. And so I became sick often, but over the years I have learned to wear a mask and gloves around other people. The staff at NHC had adopted me and I had lived at the hospital ever since I was a child. I have learned a lot from my family. Herbal remedies from Granny, one of the witches that works there, a very nice older woman. I have learned all my manners and grammar from Midyun another witch who has lived longer than time itself, or that’s what she says anyways. My Uncle Henry was the one who taut me to smile. He’s a vampire and he works as a phlebotomist. Isn’t that funny. I smile every time I think about that. My Aunts Zelda and Zacora have taut me how to cook, clean and take care of myself. They were all my family, even if I wasn’t blood related to any of them.

One night everyone sat me down and told me that they had to send me to school. A boarding school that was on the boarder of the Human and Nons. I could live there and get an education and still be close enough to visit. I was scared but I didn’t argue

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The school crawled with humans like a cockroach infestation. Hormonal teens filled the halls as one by one slowly exited into classrooms. I stood froze up against the wall outside the main office, clenching my books as the students passed. I jumped when I felt a hand come down on my should and I turned to find the school consoler standing beside me.

“Here’s your schedule and the keys to your dorm room,” She handed me a piece of paper and some keys, “You will be able to get your books from the library and you have the weekend to prepare for the school days to come. The school day starts at 9:30am and doesn’t end til 4:00pm. If you have any questions don’t ask me,” She said and then walked away.

I felt absolutely clueless. She didn’t even point me in the right direction. I looked around thankful for the empty halls but I wondered where the dorms were. There was a female who was wondering the halls with a couple of others.

I cautiously walked up to one and tapped her on the shoulder. Her Blonde hair whipped around and I almost fell over trying to avoid them. She scolded down at me but I weaseled up enough courage to ask her which way the dorms were. She scuffed at me and flipped her hair, “And why would you ask me?”

Because you’re the only one in the halls…

I thought to myself as she walked away, the small group fallowing her.

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