Only We Know.

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"Hey do you guys want to take two cars? Cause I kinda feel like driving.." Jorden said chuckling.

"That's fine by me. Just follow us." My brother said as he got in his car. I was confused on who to go with; Do I go with my brother and Nick, Leaving Jorden by himself. Or do I go with Jorden; A complete stranger I just met. Well that's not hard to answer.... GO WITH THE CUTE BOY!

 I go to open the door when Jorden had already opend it for me. Wow, He seems like a gentlemen so far. "Thank you" I said with a smile on my face as I got in the car. Then he got in and we drove.

"So what brings you here?" I asked.. Not knowing why they chose here out of all the places... Yeah it's pretty here, But it's not the funnest.

"Well my mom has some family here so, This is where we came I guess." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh well I guess that's good... Are you excited to start school on Monday?" I asked knowing the answer would probably be no, but it never hurts to ask.

"No, not really. It's not the fact that I don't like school, because I do. It's just i'm going to be "the new kid" and i'm not going to have any friends at all." He said with a sad look.. He is completly wrong the opposite is going to happen. He's going to walk in and all the girls are going to immediatly fall for him.

I mean who wouldn't? He's tall with light brown skater hair and blue eyes, Tan, and has muscle!

"You're wrong you know." I said looking at him.

"And how am I wrong? Am I magially going to become friends with everyone. Because I doubt thats going to happen." He said laughing a little.

"Well in two ways you're wrong.. First, You're going to have friends. You have Jorden, nick, and Me. Second, As soon as you walk through the school doors every single girl is going to fall for you. No joke." He started laughing at my response... i was serious though! I was waiting for a reply but I never got one. So I looked out the window and watched as the landscape flew by.

"I have to tell you something." When he said this he startled me.. I was so into watching the trees zoom by that I forgot I was in the car with someone else.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked looking at him with a blank expression.

"You can't tell any one.. I don't want it to effect my life here." He said.. Now i'm worried.. What does he have to tell me?

"Yeah I promise, Anything." I said.. I'm surprised he already trusts me. We have only talked for a little while.

"The reason I worried about being the new kid is that at my old school, all the new kids got picked on and bullied... I also wasn't the most popular kid..So i'm worried that when I come to your school, the same thing is going to happen to me again.." I looked at him surprised.. He wasn't popular? I mean look at him.. He has amazing muscles from what I see.. He was probably a football player; and he's totally hot. Why wasn;t he popular?

"You not popular? Yeah right, I don't know about where you were from before, but here you'll be popular. Don't worry, every girl will fall for you with one glimpse" I said giggling.

"But that's not it.. I haven't finished yet. When I was there i wasn't the smallest kid. I was actually over weight. Then I found out that we were moving and I got in shape.. and by in shape I mean alot of muscle.. So that I wouldn't have a bad life here, that I could get a chance to be.. Well Popular."

Wow. I'm surprised he told me this. i would have never thought.. him be over weight? No way. "Well it's all good, Even if you were still over weight, The people here aren't that mean. And even if you weren't as hot as you were, you wouldn't get made fun of. And I can tell you, you'll fit right in with the populars." I said giving him a wink and a smile.

We started laughing "good to know. He you think i'm hot?" He asked as we pulled in. "Not i'm just saying the girls will think you're hot..." I said getting out of the car. I do think he's hot.. I just don't want him to know right now. "Oh okay." He said then we joined up with Jorden and Nick.. The Walked to the movie theater.

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