I Can Wait Forever: Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto-my greatest sadness. Haha! Thank you to Masashi Kishimoto-senpai for creating Naruto!


"Hinata-sama, wake up. It's time for breakfast.", said one of our maids while knocking at my door.

Hi, my name is Hyuuga Hinata from one of the most respected families here in our country. My dad really does a great job in managing our company. I tell you, my dad is very strict. He is a perfectionist. Maybe that's why he doesn't love me that much? I remember two years ago when he told me that I am a failure during our elementary graduation because I only graduated as first honorable mention. I had never tried being the first. I was always on the third spot unlike my sister Hanabi who always gets the first spot in her class.

My dad was always proud of her. I wish he's proud of me as well. I can only see dad's sweetest smile when he is with my sister. I wish dad would smile at me like the way he smiles at Hanabi. Though I will never forget what he had said during my graduation.

How could I make dad proud of his eldest daughter? Why doesn't he appreciate all the efforts that I've been doing, small or big. It seems like everything I do is a mess. In his eyes, I'm just a big mess that would do nothing good in our family.

"Hinata-sama?", the maid called again.

"A-a-I'm coming!", how long have I been spacing out again?

Anyway, I'm thirteen years old with a fair complexion and short indigo hair. Wait, let me fix my bed while I continue to tell more about myself.

Uuhm, I'm a shy girl and I do stutter a lot. These are what I hate most about myself. Maybe this are the reasons why I always end up third in our class. If I could have more confidence maybe I can make it to the first spot. Surely, dad will be shocked-and happy. I guess.

Enough with the honors. I have a crush. He's my classmate. He is my inspiration aside from my family. We've been classmates since elementary. And what I like most is that we're friends. Close friends. But I hate it that I can't confess my 'more than friends' feelings for him.

(loud knock) "Hinata! What's taking you so long? Come down and eat with us! Or do you want dad to go up here and drag you down to the dining hall?" It was my sister.

Yeah, right. Today is the start of another school year. Today is my first day as a second grader in middle school. I wonder if there will be new students.

I better eat now or else I will be late. I hate it when the class has already started and you enter the room like everybody's eyes are on you. It feels like their eyes are melting me. Hehe.

"I'm just f-fixing my bed. I-I'm coming!"

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So how was it? This is my very first story involving anime characters so please bear with me. Hahaha! The story really haven't started yet. Lol! I hope you like the first chapter!

Drop your comments below and tell me how you find the story! Love, love, love! See you on the next chapter!

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