Lost in a gaming attraction

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So, I wrote this for a school project, and thought: Why not put it at wattpad.

Before I start:

-I wrote this before getting my grade, so I don't know how good it is.

-This is a fictional story and all the characters are made up. Neither do I know anyone suffering from this addiction.

- The reason for why I wrote this is because I have a theory for why some people become addicted to computer games where no one knows who you are.


It all started a couple of years ago. I was nine years old and had a lot of friends. Then this new girl started. She was very pretty, with long auburn hair and emerald eyes. All my friends liked her, and I liked her too, before she became mean. In the beginning she was nice. We even played together once, but after a while, my friends started to want to hang out with her instead of me.

After a while the new girl understood how much power she had in the class, and started freezing me out. She wouldn't invite me to her birthday parties and she would ignore me when I talked. I couldn't say anything either because if the teacher confronted her with it, she would just say; "I didn't do anything!" And that was also in some way the truth. Because it was so hidden, no one could see what she did. That is why I wanted to escape into a virtual world. Because there, no one knew who I was!

I remember creating my first account. It was a website for children from the age of ten to twelve. You could create your own account, dress up a character, play games and chat with other people. There was also a level system from one to twenty. The higher level you were, the more famous and known you would be.

Just imagine how it is for a ten year old to escape into a place where you could become famous and rich and be popular.

I played as much as I could, to reach the highest level. When you reached it, I thought you would become rich and famous. I didn't. Well, actually, I never reached the highest level. By the time I reached level 18, some of the few friends I had left, introduced me to another game.

I don't remember what it was called, but you were supposed to play different games. There were mostly card games. You played with different players, from all over the world. If you lost, you had to start all over again. You could only start over again three times a day for free. Of course I sat for hours, paying more and more money. One day my computer broke down, and my parents told me I couldn't have a new one because we were low on money. My eleven year old self didn't understand why.

It was okay, because I borrowed my sister's computer. I began playing different games every day, and I could sit in my bed for hours just playing games. A year later I had to go to the doctor to see what had happened, to the once so active girl. The doctor found out that I had gained a lot of weight and my sight had become worse. My back was also hurting a lot.

My parents thought that it was their fault since they rarely took us out. They took my sister and me to a mountain cabin so we could get some fresh air. We were there for a week, and we took long walks every day, and ate healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After that I got a little better.

A week after we got back, I created an account on a website for children and teens from the age of eleven to fourteen. It was a lot like Facebook, but made for younger children, instead of giving out your full name, you used a nickname and your personal information wasn't shown. My profile picture was of a cat with glasses, and my nickname was "nerdy cat500". I had a lot of friends, and was chatting with people from all over the world. I remember becoming friends with a girl from Italy. We talked literally all the time except from when I went to school.

The year I turned twelve, my addiction was still unknown to me, although my parents had started to realize that something had happened to me. As a young girl I used to play football several times a week, but after starting to play all the computer games I completely stopped. My friends stopped talking to me, and my looks had become very bad. I was a normal, thin, and not very tall girl, with silk like blonde hair, but now I had gained a lot of weight, and my hair had become very greasy.

The day before I turned thirteen my parents pointed out that I should go out and meet my friends, then I could invite them to the birthday party I was throwing. My answer was: "I won't invite friends who don't like me." They became surprised by the fact, even though I hadn't brought friends home for years. Then suddenly they started yelling at me, telling me that I should have played fewer games and socialized with people. Suddenly it was entirely my fault.

I was sent to a doctor and a psychologist and I had a long conversation with both of them. They found out that I had to have an addiction to computer games because of my insecurity and that they should talk to the girl that had been bullying me and make her explain why she did as she did all those years ago, and just being nice to everyone except me. I never got to know why though.

After a couple of months, they decided that I should switch schools. We moved to another town, and I was able to start a new life. I quickly got new friends and started football again. There was no mean girls or fake friends at my new school. Everyone instantly accepted me for who I was and it was also one thing that helped me recover from my insecurity.

Almost a year later, when I turned fourteen, I got a little puppy. I named him Lucky because I had been lucky to get out of the addiction I had suffered from. We still take long walks almost every day, and both of us are the happiest you could imagine.


So did you like it. I know it is weird but I wanted to write something different than romance and werewolves and ballerinas ;)

Please vote or comment, I would be super grateful!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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