Monsters In The Dark

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  • Dedicated to My boyfriend Adrian, who loves vampires ALMOST as much as I do.

She gasped as he bit into her neck.  It was exhilarating.  It was a little painful, Like a bee sting.  Once you got past that part,  It was wonderful.  

She could feel the blood being sucked out of her.  Some of it rolling down her neck.  She could hear his thoughts, telling her to stay calm.  She was.  Very calm.  

She could feel what he was feeling,  See what he was seeing.  Oh, It was so wonderful.  Her blood, It tasted wonderful.  It was thick, but it tasted so sweet.  Like Cherries with a bit of Honey.  Only better.

She could see why Vampires loved human blood so much.  She wished she was a vampire, too.  How magnificent it would be.

'I can make you into a Vampire, too, My love.'  He spoke.  The words echoed around in her head. 

He could? He really could? Make her into a vampire?  She could taste human blood all the time.. The powers that come with it...Oh, How amazing..

"Please.." She whispered out, breathlessly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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