Blue Bands - Luke Cutforth one shot

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It's 7pm. The bus should be here in 5 minutes. It's been a long day and I was just ready to go home. As I approached the bus stop, it is empty but covered in rubbish. Some people are just so filthy. I decided to avoid catching some sort of disease from the seat it's best to just stand. I pull out my phone from my pocket and check the time "7:03pm." Just as I slide it back into my pocket the bus pulls up in front of me.

"At least that's something good today" I sighed walking to the door. The bus driver hits the button and lets me on.

"3.25 sir" He says holding out his hand. So I pass him the money and turn to face the back of the bus. There are a few people on it but a spare seat towards the back. I hurry over as the bus begins to move. I place my bag on the seat next to me when suddenly my butt vibrated... my phone. I pulled it out to see a text from Jason.

"Hey Lukas, where are you? Patty said you had a pretty bad day and you didn't meet him for lunch, just want to know your ok :)"

I let out a sigh and slipped it into the front pocket of my bag. I just wasn't ready to explain anything right now.

The bus comes to a halt as we reach the next stop. I can feel the bus dip as different people get in but I keep my eyes out the window. The wet trees are swaying in the wind in front of a dark black sky, a shit night to end a shit day.

Suddenly, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to see a red flannel shirted girl with her long wavy hair standing over me.

"Excuse me, can I have this seat?"

"Uhm, sure" I say grabbing my bag a throwing it at my feet and resume looking out the window. It was around 3 minutes before the girl turned to me.


"Huh?" I say looking at her strangely

"Your wristband, congrats." I look down at my wristbands, there are so many there but I knew what she was talking about. The blue band. I put my hand over my wrist as I can feel my checks begin to burn. She must have noticed me blushing when she put her hand over mine.

"Don't be embarrassed, I get it." She pulls up her sleeve to show a purple band. As my eyes traveled up her arm more, there were faint scars. I felt a little dizzy looking at them so I moved my eyes to her face. She pulled down her sleeve and looked into my eyes.

"Let me guess, body issues? Family troubles?"

"Excuse me? Its not really any of your business." I remarked sharpening my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, It's just... you don't just get those for nothing. I've been clean for 3 months, and judging by the blue, you've been clean for 1."

"I'm not a drug addict if that's what you think!" I snapped

"Oh no I meant self harm." She flashed a quick smile and then dropped it to a frown.

"I'm sorry, I should just shut up sometimes. It's been a tough day" She brushed a piece of her brown locks behind her ear. I felt bad for being rude so I turned my waist to face her.

"It's ok, my day was crappy too." She lifted her head and looked at me with a wide smile. I got a better look at her face. Her brown hair framed a beautiful face, big brown eyes with slight eyeliner underneath, rosy cheeks, a small nose and mouth that dimpled when she smiled.

"You should be proud, 3 months is great." I say smiling along with hers.

"Thanks, you too, It's not easy." She says running her fingers through her hair. The bus comes to a stop again. I look out the window to see my stop.

"Well this is my stop. Nice meeting you." I say picking up my bag and standing up. She lets me out a kisses me on the cheek.

"Good luck" She smiles sitting down.

"You too" I wave back as I hop of the bus. The bus pulls away and I start walking down to my house.

"I didn't even get her name" I thought to myself. I walk up to my front door and put my bag on the ground to grab my keys when I find a piece of paper with a number on it.

"Good luck :)" I smile and put the piece paper in my pocket and head inside.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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Blue Bands - Luke Cutforth one shotWhere stories live. Discover now