Life of Misery

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Hi! This is my first ever story on here and I own Zooey and her story!!! Don't rip me off, please!!! Please help me make it better this is just a rough draft but please fan me and tell me if you like it! I will try to make more stories similar to this thanks in advance!!! - Gabby

Well how do I start.. My life is just kinda well ... Insane. I have to struggle with 2 jobs and my baby. and the Father to my baby, he just left me for my EX best friend. And that's just the base of all my problems.

My parents already had 3 kids and couldn't afford a 4th, so they put me up for adoption. However they couldn't find a family to adopt me. I lived from foster home to foster home until I was 8. That's when the Johnson's adopted me.

When they did I thought I was finally going to have a home, little did I know that I would actually miss living in a foster home. The Johnson's were this creepy couple that already had 2 other adopted children, Zachary and Lily, whom they spoiled ever so much. They basically only adopted me as a companion for Lily.

My new family reminded me of the Addam's family. They were just that freaky. Zachary would have this weird, evil laugh that sounded like a villain. And Lily was sweet on the outside but conniving on the inside.

My new father was very secretive and would act as though he had a large secret, I didnt even know where he worked. My "mother" didn't even care about me. One time I left the house for 2 hours and didn't even come for dinner and she didn't mind. Even when I came home from school she wouldn't greet me. She would even often forget my name! She acted as though I didn't exist. Even at family reunions I would be the outcast that no one remembers.

My family was RICH. But I wasn't spoiled. I was like the Cinderella of

my family, except I had a brother and a father. My only "friend" at home was my dog, Prince.

The day I was able to get a job I applied for every position out there and got a job as a cashier at McDonald's. I only made 7 bucks an hour but I saved each penny. The day I graduated from high school, my parents forgot to come to my graduation. I was valedictorian too by the way. I moved out of my parents' house right away. I got a scholarship to a university in Dallas and decided to move there. It was the hottest place I had ever been to! Given that I was from New York, I thought that 85 degrees was hot. Boy was I wrong!

I despised Dallas from day 1. It was hot and sweaty and I felt like I was

living in a suburb, not a city.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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