The Flower Frenzy Part 1

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Damian was invited to a party in Kassandra's house at 11:30 p.m. The following people who are invited excluding Damian and Kassandra are:

Max - 16 Years Old
Jane - 14 Years Old
Wendy - 15 Years Old
Cody - 17 Years Old
Alan - 13 Years Old
Alyssa - 14 Years Old
Derrick - 12 Years Old
Morrison - 17 Years Old

It's already midnight, when the room got creepy and an elevator opened. "Kassandra?" Alyssa asked. "What is that?" "I don't know, but let's go in." Kassandra replied to Alyssa. They all went in and the elevator was closed shut after the last person was in. "Welcome to the Hellevator." An unknown voice said. "What was that?" Wendy asked. "Still have no idea." Kassandra said. "Now. Time to go down to Level -1." The unknown voice said. Then the Hellevator started going down. It suddenly stopped and it dinged. They were already in Level -1. "Let me tell you the story of this house before Kassandra's family moved in." It said. "This house used to be owned by a certain widowed female with three children. The mother started to hear voices. So, she led her kids to the garden and buried them alive. Afterwards, she hanged herself in the willow tree. We call this challenge: Flower Frenzy. Search the garden for the children's bodies, and lay them near to the hanged mother. Oh. Before you go, I will give you a list of slaughtered people who came here before you." The Hellevator opened a compartment and it popped out a list. It read:

Harry - Nailed Down
Lisa - Shot with Darts
Mark - Drowned
Bonnie - Sacrifice for Exorcism
Emily - Lost her Organs
Jake - Burned to Ashes
Nola - Fell from the Roof
Kelly - Poisoned by Ivy
Freddy - Mutation

"There are nine rooms in each level. Go in the wrong room and you'll be trapped as a victim forever. Go in the right room and you'll proceed with the challenge." The Hellevator said. "But how do we know which room is which?" Damian asked. The Hellevator again opened a compartment and it popped out a piece of paper. It read:

As you know I'm the eighth victim.
Who tried to save the buried children.
Don't be like me I'm poisoned you know.
I died while I was holding a bow.

Damian knew which room it was. "The eighth room from the Hellevator is where we need to go." Damian said. "How do you know that?" Alan asked. "Well, the riddle said eighth victim, so it referred to Kelly. She was poisoned by poison ivy, and she was wearing a bow in the picture." "Good deduction." The Hellevator said. "Now. Max. Get out and do the challenge." The door opened. And Max entered the eighth room. After he entered the room, the door slammed shut. "Get the shovel. Dig out the bodies. Lie them near the mother. You have seven minutes to complete the challenge. Your nightmare starts..." The Hellevator announced as Max got ready. "NOW."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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