Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

Cecilia heard the same coughing she always hears coming from her mother, she turned around after pouring some water in a cleaning bucket and watched as her mother mopped the floor to a complete brightness over and over again.

" Mom, can I take it from here?"

Cecilia pulled the cleaning bucket towards her mother, the heaviness of it was impossible for her to pick it up, she was a weak 7 years old girl, and all she wanted is to take everything off of her mother.

" Darling, it's fine. You can go and play in the backyard, I've seen a lot of entertaining games there."

Cecilia's mother smiled warmly, she didn't want her daughter to get involved with the work she has or the world she was leaving. She wanted the better and best for her little one, not some slave or maid to some rich people, cleaning off their dirt and filth, every day and night.

" Mom, I want to help, so please let me."

She let go of the bucket and walked towards her mother, her hands extended towards the mopper ready to take it from her tired mother. Cecilia thought her mother would give in, but of course, she was determined that her daughter will never touch a mopper, or go down where she is.

" I am very serious, Cecilia. Now, leave the room and go outside to play, entertain yourself before we leave, have fun just a little, and leave this to me."

The look her mother was giving her filled with seriousness, the mop was standing right behind her mother and preventing her from touching it. Cecilia let out a low sigh before turning around to leave the room.

" Be here after 20 minutes, stay close, and do not talk to any stranger."

Cecilia gave her mother one last look before she nodded and walked out to the room to search for the playground her mother mentioned. The long hall took her time, she stared at the pictures and the paint that the wall held, the attractive design all over the walls that lead to the main entrance.

Her mother was cleaning one of the ground rooms that this building has. The front entrance had a big rounded wooden table, vases and flowers in different kinds and colors were on there, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling down and right above the gorgeous table.

Her beautiful blue orbs examined the flowers carefully, wanting to know whether they were real or not. She stood right before the table, her eyes moved down on it to see more small vases, frames that had words written on them.

' Valdovinos Hotel and Resorts '.

She barely could read, so she skipped the glass frame and looked over at the front counter, right in front of the building's glassy double door.

Three people were sitting behind it, elegant and full of confidence. Their uniforms were luxurious and held some kind of power, those uniforms were picked by some professionals.

As if the air turned thick and cold, Cecilia shivered as she turned around, looking for the source of the sudden feeling, maybe they'd turned the air conditioning down, or maybe she didn't realize the coldness until she came back from her thoughts.

" Receperint retro domine!"—" Welcome back, sir!"

The foreign accent was coming out shaky and in a fearful tone from a man that was standing behind the counter. All Cecilia felt was colder and as if the world was suffocating her, grabbing her from her throat.

Cecilia's eyes moved towards the man who nervously stared at a dark figure in front of him, she couldn't see them properly because of the big and large sized vases standing before her.

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