All of Me

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All of Me


Germany groaned and pressed his fist into the piano keys which made a rather pitiful sound for such a beautiful instrument. Austria - who was sitting beside him on the piano seat - glared at the frustrated family friend and almost slapped him on the back of the head for doing that.

"Don't do that!" He shouted.

"This is way too frustrating!" The German countered angrily.

"Well maybe if you were more into it then you could learn better. Plus, you never pay attention when I teach you music theory, that's why you don't know the notes!" Austria raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a condescending look.

"I need a break." Germany announced and got up before walking into the living room.

"You were only playing for ten minutes..." Roderich muttered, placing his hands over the keys and playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.


Germany ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

Why is the song so verdammt hard?

He'd tried playing it on the guitar but it was so finicky and the sound wasn't clear. He tried the cello but he couldn't get the bowing techniques down. He also had the same problem with the violin so the piano was his last resort.

Germany had been training with Italy and every day at the end of their session with Japan, the Italian would hug and kiss him - on the cheek. The training session they'd had was different. Germany had forgotten about Italy's actions and when he heard him calling his name, he turned around at the last minute and Italy ran right into him, smashing their lips together in the process.

Ludwig was shocked but he didn't pull away and Italy didn't either. After they broke apart for air, they just stared at each other. After that, it was just crazy. Every training day after Japan left, Germany would pull the Italian aside and kiss him.

They never even talked about. It was like it was a part of their training routine now. Both countries never talked about how confused they were on the fact if they were dating or not. Germany was very confused but he was in love. They'd been going at this for about three months and he wanted so badly to say something but couldn't fathom up the courage or the words.

So Prussia suggested doing it by a song. At first Germany scoffed at the idea but then found himself actually considering it. Ludwig was well aware that he couldn't write his own lyrics, he didn't have any instrument to play and he didn't just want to sing. Despite all the shouting and commanding he did, he had a beautiful singing voice. Gilbert had the chance to hear it. Once.

So since he was incapable of writing a song, he went over to Austria's house and told him about his problem. Hungary thought it was absolutely adorable and Austria just didn't understand how his family friend could fall in love with that idiot.

Of course, Ludwig defended Italy and Austria backed down at his harsh tone, agreeing to help him. They couldn't agree on lyrics so Germany chose a song that he'd heard on the radio called All of Me by John Legend.

Roderich actually liked the song and tried his best to teach him on the guitar first. Then the cello, then the violin. But nothing seemed to work so the only option left was piano which Ludwig seemed decent at playing.

The challenge was getting him to read the notes on the sheet and correspond those notes with his fingers so he could press the damn key. Germany had the chorus and the first verse down but the rest just seemed frustrating to him. Austria was trying his absolute best to teach him but Germany was being the stubborn, proud jerk he was sometimes and refused to continue if he messed up more than five times.

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