Untitled Part 1

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Our day was timid to say the least, and for once the day didn't end in someone getting their balls chopped off or a stab to the face! I love him...I really do...but he seriously has some anger issues. And for a Canadian he is not that nice, but I mean he is pretty damn old.

Yes...you guessed it....The Wolverine is my boyfriend. Honestly it is more like dating a cuddly teddy bear, but also a teddy bear that can kill a man in 100 different ways with one hand. We fought, but over stupid things. Scott said I should just break up with him, hell even Storm agreed that I should break up with Logan. But I was alright with the fighting and sometimes not talking for a few days or even seeing him.

The reason I was fine with it is because I knew he loved me, and he would never hurt me. After I found out about his mutations we became close....very close. Charles said it was good that I was with him, I was gentle and kind while Logan was...the opposite. But also protective, and caring over me. Not in a "crazy overprotective boyfriend" way, more of a lover protective.

Currently I was sitting in Logans lap watching tv while he drank coffee, the tv showed some stupid cartoon that gave a tinge of amusement to us. But the calm atmosphere was soon ruined by some troublemakers...those little shits.

I sighed loudly as Bobby and Kurt ran down the stairs throwing ice and paper at each other, while jean watched laughing loudly. Then Ice princess and blue bell fell onto the couch...and onto Logan and I....

"Hey, watch it bub!" Logan growled at Kurt who's head was on my lap

"It is just a game Logan, relax" Bobby said laughing as Kurt disapeared

"Bobby!" I shouted as he fell foward with ice hands...onto my thighs...

"Okay that's it!" Logan shouted shoving bobby off me and grabbing him by the shirt collar

"I'm sorry Logan it was just a joke!" Bobby shouted frantically as Logan slowly extended his claws out

"You ever touch her like that again, I'll kill ya" Logan said keeping his claws to bobbys throat

"yeah, sure I will never do it again" he said laughing shakily

Logan set him down and wacked him against the back of the head with his hand. Then turned to me.

His claws retracted and he held my waist softly.

"you alright kid?" he asked with a hand on my cheek

"I'm fine Logan...really I am" I said chuckling

"Why ya laughin at me" A hand now picking me up and setting me on his lap as he sat on the couch once more.

"I'm not laughing at you babe, I read that little pervs mind" I said taking a look back at the three kids having fun together.

"God, that fucker is gonna get a claw through his eye one day" Logan sighed resing his head on the back of the couch

"And I will make you think you are a 6 year old girl" I stated sitting on his legs comfortably

"You got that idea from the professor, didn't ya?" Logan raised an eyebrow at me and I gave an innocent smile, of course I did because It was one of the only ways to get Logan to shut up.

We continued to watch tv peacefully, then others came storming downstairs. I sighed loudly and logan groaned in annoyance. What does it take to get some quiet time with my boyfriend?!

"You do that and he will stab you in the eye" I said glancing over at bobby and kurt who were plotting to grab me and freeze Logan to a chair.

They both gulped and scurried away again, finally gone we could spend more time together without interuptions. Logans arm was thrown over my shoulder and my legs were tossed over his knees. So he was pretty much holding me, but my butt was on the couch so half and half.

"Can I see you in my office for a moment please?" I heard Charles voice ring through my head

"Of course Proffessor" I said before standing up.

"Where ya going now bub" Logan said grabbing my arm and trying to tug me back down to cuddle.

"Charles needs me, I'll be back Lo" I said petting his hair softly, messing it up in the process and pissing him off.

"I'll get ya later for that"

"Love you to Lo Lo!"


"what's the matter Charles?" I asked not bothering to take a seat

"Well...Funny story" he began

I sighed and rolled my eyes as something breezed by me quickly.

"Peter." I grimaced

"He is back from Mexico, to everyones "liking" " I chuckled at his emphasise on how happy everyone was to see him.

"Peter if you don't stop" I said telepathically

"Yes ma'am, hey ma'am. Hellllo" was this kid drunk?

"what is wrong with him Charles?"

Peter was twitching and looked jittery. Well, than normal.

"Ohhhh ho ho you would not believe the amount of caffeine I have had" peter said, mouth running a mile a minute.

"You ever heard of this stuff called red bull?" he was fiddling with his shirt and bouncing fast, leaving shoe prints on the hardwood floor.

"This. This is what you want me to handle?" Rolling my eyes up at Charles and glaring as he simply smiled.

"I'll get Scott to take everyone out for a few hours if you do" Charles voice echoed in my head, a ghost of a smirk appearing.

Nodding and looking down at a caffeinated peter, I tried to read his mind to get a better insight on why he would drink caffeine as a speedster.

"Leedle leedle leedle lee oh hey why is she looking at me like that does she think im cute what if logan was and her switched bodies would they have sex the same..."

"Oh for fucks sake peter!!!" I shouted, startling both him and Charles

"What'd I do ma'am?" peter said innocently

"Charles this kid seems fine" I said shoving peter to the side so I could drown out his continuous thoughts on logan and i.

"Alright, well it seems for now we will just have to keep him in the wreck room until the caffeine has passed through his system" Charles said placing a hand on peters shoulder and smiling at me

"I'll have storm bring him there" My hands started to shake and I felt dizzy but I think I could reach storm from here

"If it puts too much stress on your mind I can get her" Charles exclaimed kindly as he sensed my struggle.

"thank you!" I shouted happily in my mind to him.

"Thank you for your time dear" he said back through my mind.

Walking back to Logan I started to wonder...what would our sex life be like if we switched bodies? I don't think I could handle being in Logans body and trying not to crush him...well me....how does he do it?


"Mmm loweer"

"If I go any lower this is going to turn into a Netflix and chill night doll"

I pouted as logan kissed my cheek again.

"Pleeeeaseeee" puppy eyes. Lets hope this works.

"but this is your favorite movie"

"No it isn't"

"bullshit. I remember we saw this opening day and you loved it"

"doesn't make it my favorite"

"you're a pain"

"And you're mean"

"oh yeah bub?"

"Mhm" Puppy eyes totally worked. Hes been smiling the entire time.

"C'mere" big arms scooped me up and sat me on logans lap.

Then the kisses finally got lower. And lower. And lower. Until the night was spent with logan and I illuminated by the movie, and having as much fun as we wanted.

End <3

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