Quick Note

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Hi! Thanks for reading Stormsinger!

Stormsinger is a novelette I wrote sort of by accident for J.A. Konrath’s 8-hour e-Book Challenge last August. The reason I say accidentally is that at the time he issued the challenge, I was working on The Weather War, an epic fantasy novel about pirates and civil wars and weather magic. When I heard about the challenge, I decided to write a quick story set in the same world as The Weather War. Some 60,000 words later, I've just given in and admitted this is the series that is going to eat my life. ^_^;

I am wrapping up work on Stormshadow, which is a 40,000-word sequel to the story you're about to read. Stormshadow's tentative publication date is May 24 of this year. And I'm writing the first draft of a third book that will hopefully come out in late summer.

I'll be posting a couple of chapters of Stormsinger every week leading up to the release date for Stormshadow. If you don't want to wait that long to read all of Stormsinger, you can always buy the e-book for a mere $0.99 - the links are on my website!

Okay, batten the hatches and raise the tops'l, because we're about to cast off!

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