Chapter 1

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picture is of Daniel and goddAMN THAT JAW CAN CUT ME ANY FUKIN DAY

Jade's POV:

When people usually think of me, they think of the short, freak kid who never talks. Which, of course, is true. I tried to avoid people as much as possible to avoid any conflict, and hid behind a book. Mostly behind a Harry Potter book; my favourite series. With the way I had been... brought up, I needed an scapegoat, and once I had learned to read, the first "big book" I had picked up was the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It felt nice... feeling like I was in a different world than my own... despite how dark and sad the series could get... I remember feeling particularly more dreadful when I turned eleven and didn't receive my Hogwarts (well... Ilvermorny, actually) letter.

I smiled to myself, caught up in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix when they had driven out Dolores Umbridge, until I was snapped out of my own world when my book was ripped out of my hands. I jumped and looked down, starting to shake as I already knew who it was.

"Well well well," Hunter, an old "friend" of mine drawled on, "what do we have here?" I looked down even more, anxiously playing with my sleeves and scratching my hands every now and then. He grabbed the back of my oversized black hoodie roughly and yanked me up from my seat, "Look at me when I'm talking to you, bitch!" he spat. I began to shake even more as my breath started to quicken, my heart rate starting to go out of wack.

"Hunter. Let's go." a voice drawled, completely emotionless. I was roughly shoved back into my seat where I spent the next couple of minutes trying to calm my bursting nerves as Hunter and his "crew" walked away with the owner of said emotionless voice. Daniel was a very withdrawn person, especially compared to the people he hung out with. He was sort of your stereotypical rich, bad boy that seemed to act as if he was too good for everybody around him. Even though he was sort of a useless ass most of the time; since he usually just stands and watches as Hunter and his much larger "Crabbe and Goyle squad" beats me up, he usually interrupts them for something else when it gets too bad.


I doubt he did it out of pity. Pity from a person like him would rarely go to anyone, let alone me...

I've learned at this point in my life that I'm practically... useless. There's too much evidence both outside and inside of my body for attempts of suicide, and as much as I try not to, I always fail.


It doesn't matter what "friends" I could make, what grades I get, who I'm nice to and who I'm not, because life for me will never get any better than this. My father will most likely kill me once I graduate. Either he will, or I will. Even if I got a scholarship, I wouldn't be able to leave the house, or even support myself. I guess getting used to this fact is what contributes to me always feeling so numb on the inside; not being able to feel the punches or people throw at me anymore. I just get panic attacks when people approach me in general, another reason as to why I'll always be alone.

But I wasn't always like this. I had somebody. Someone who promised to never leave me, and told me that whatever I decide to do, we do it together. My twin. But that was before he died. That was two years ago. If I wasn't numb enough before, then that really set things to Hell for me.

It's one thing to have a family member, or any close love one die, but to watch your only loved one get the life sucked out of him as your father beats him mercilessly as your tied to a pillar.

Sleep has become almost impossible for me since, as every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Mason's dead and empty eyes. My brother. My twin. Mason.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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