Don't get me started on Justin Bieber

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Hello everyone @1D_JB_Lovexx and a few others wanted to read my don't get me started so I thought I should upload it, I got a B for this, so tell me what you guys think! :D Please don't hate me I know people who are Belibers and I am friends with them.. Just because I hate Justin Bieber don't mean i would hate you... This is my own opinion!


Don't get me started on Justin Bieber, there are many reason why I hate or dislike him, firstly everyone likes him because of his hair; or as I like to call them, his 'troubled looks'. Girls mostly like him because of his 'Bieber flick'. His hair annoys me, in fact I bet if I shaved his hair off he would lose at least 75% of his fans because, as I said before people only like him because of his hair

another reason why I hate him is because he sound like a girl, yet again he can't even sing, all of his songs are about girls and aren't important, I mean at least other artists sing songs about important things,, But oh no he has to go and break the chain by singing badly and sings about girls when, to be honest he sounds and looks one himself

Let's move on to his songs, for example one of his earlier songs 'baby' he sounds like he is desperate, unloved and just plain weird, another thing is that he sang with Ludacris... If he never sang the chances are of him reaching the amount of views and his songs being bought would have been very slim .It's safe to say if anything, he lost attention instead of gaining it. Furthermore if he was nominated for an award for worst singer, he would not without a doubt win it... And he should be proud that people actually took their time to vote at least something for him.

Let's now discuss how he became famous, most of you may know that Justin Bieber was found on youtube, cue the shocked faces! So many people on youtube actually have talent, but no Usher had to go and find someone who looked and sounds like a girl, for me... Justin Bieber comes to mind. Also people who get fans by just their looks.. Again Justin Bieber comes to mind.

In my opinion I think... Well I know that she sounds like a cat being strangled, don't try and argue with me because you know deep down it's true. When he opens his mouth to sing all the cats run for the hills to escape the terrible noise that is his voice.

Finally another thing that is true is that everyone likes him because of his accent, one main reason is that there are not that many well known Canadian singers, so add this to his looks and you get a famous singer who can't sing but win girls over because of their looks, and this is stupid because because all the rival singers that can actually sing and have a good voice lose fans to someone who can't sing but get all the fans by their looks.

To conclude, I know that Just Bieber is annoying and only gets his fans from his looks, now that we have established that everyone should agree with me, Belieber or not.

Well this is my controlled assessment, now sorry again to anyone who is beliber please don't take offence this is my opinion XD thank you! 

Ammarah x

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