Chapter 1: Whomst Keeps Making All This Noise

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I just moved in to this beautiful neighborhood to get away from my toxic ex boyfriend. He couldn't know I was here or else he would chase me down. So, I lived in secrecy. I needed some space. Everything was perfect in this lovely suburb, but some things were off.

One day, I heard a lot of ruckus going on next door as I was trying to clip my nails. Due to the extreme noise, I cut my a part of my skin off. Ugh, what is going on over there? I thought to myself.

I decided to pay a little visit to the conspicuous eerie black house in the unified suburb.

I rung the doorbell and the bark what sounded like a dog followed. As I was waiting for my neighbor to come, I stared at the strange style of the house. It was Gothic and quite creepy, honestly. The door opened a little crack and a set of eyeballs peaked out.

"Who is it?" A man groaned in a strange unfamiliar accent.

"Hi," I replied trying to keep my calm,"I'm (Y/N)...uh... I'm your new next door neighbor and I've been hearing a lot of noises lately. I'm just wondering if you could quiet down a little bit."

A long nose poked out of the door,"Ugh, a new neighbor? Again? Sorry, I'm busy right now, I don't have time for this. Please come back never."

The door slammed right in my face. I took a moment to process what just happened. I walked back to my house hoping that he had a change of heart.

The next morning, I woke up to a loud blaring noise. I get up in frustration. I immediately knew that it was him again.

I stomped to his house without bothering to dress up. I knocked on his door,"Excuse me!"

There was no answer. I knocked harder and the door flew open. I saw a long hall and nobody was inside. I stepped inside to see where the noise was coming from. The door slammed behind me and I jumped up. I continue to walk down the halls feeling the goosebumps crept up my arm.

Suddenly I heard a loud barking noise. A strange creature came at me. It was all black and had spikes all of over it. Realizing it wasn't a dog, I screamed and backed up onto this black leather chair behind me. I grasped onto the handle and the chair starts moving. A secret chamber opens in front of me. Fascinated, I walk into the strange white contraption...


Hey readers! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of my new fanfiction. After seeing that I got views on my Waluigi fanfic, I knew that I was a born author. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I will.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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