Chapter 1

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I hear a repeating sound in the distance I wake up only to find out it's my stupid alarm clock. I hit the button to make it stop and pull the covers off of me and go into my shower and get changed. I don't even get breakfast before I'm out the door walking to the hospital I enter the door and make my way to my moms room all the people here know me so they let me through. As I'm almost at her room I see her doctor coming out of it. He sees me and starts walking up to me.

"Hey miss Davis" he says with a smile not reaching his eyes.

"Hey Doctor Adams, how is she today" he takes a deep breath

"Today is not one of her good days I'm afraid, but I think she will still love to see you" I panic a little at his words.

"Ok, thank you" as I continue to make my way to her room I look at the window into her room on the door and am a little bit shocked of what I see my mum is very pale and she look like she's so skinny. My mum was diagnosed with cancer a year ago we tried everything Chemo, radiation but some of it helped a little but the cancer was to strong and she's riddled with it now we are just waiting for her to die and to top it all of my dad left when I was six and I have never heard from him since and I don't want to, he hurt Mum so much when he left and that killed me.

I push the door open into her room and she looks up and puts on the biggest smile but I know she's hurting inside.

"Hey baby"

"Hey Mum, how are you feeling?" I greet her with a kiss on the head.

" Oh you know, the same as usual" she always says that but I know that each day she hurts more and more! " how's Luke doing??

Luke! Luke's my ex boyfriend he broke up with me a month ago, because apparently it got to stressful for him with my Mum and everything so he thought it would be best if he wasn't in the picture anymore. He's just a coward. But I didn't tell my mum that we broke up because I think she has enough to deal with

"He's doing fine"

"How come I haven't seen him in ages?" That was the only problem she loved Luke to bits.

"He's just been really busy lately"

"Well tell him to get his but over here and see me!"

"Hahaha I will Mama"

"Hey baby, I'm feeling a little bit tired would you mind if I had some rest?"

"No go for it, I'll come back tomorrow" I get up and kiss her on the head and walk out and from there walk to school. As usual when I get there it's already started so i know I'm gonna be in trouble. I creep into my classroom and make my way to my chair

"Miss Davis, so glad of you to join us" darn it!! "Take a seat, I wanna talk to you after class." Oh no!!


The bell rings to signal the end of the period I try and slowly walk out the door hoping she's forgotten.

" miss Davis can I have a word"

"Sure." I walk up to her slowly very hesitant

"Lucy what's gotten into you? You used to be this perfect student always on time, good grades , you could of had a bright future. Why are you chucking all that way. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah" I lied truth is I have never told anyone about my mum apart from Luke and look how that turned out. "I have just been really busy, but I am going to try a lot harder, I'm sorry"

"Ok, make sure you do!"

"Thank you miss I won't let you down."  I smile and walk out of the door only to find Luke standing by the door leaning against the wall. I roll my eyes and walk the opposite direction.


I keep walking fast

"Lucy!" He is running and I know he's gonna Catch up pretty soon cause let's face it I'm not the tallest person on the earth and he is pretty tall. But my thoughts were correct cause he's caught up and he is pulling my arm back. I quickly turn around

"What?" I say really sharply. He puts both of his hands on my shoulders

"How is she?" That's funny coming from him he's the one that left cause he couldn't handle it

"Get away from me" I shout at him angrily. I try and move but he's a lot stronger then me and I can't leave.

"Excuse me" I hear a strange voice beside us we both turn only to see Nick the quarter back looking at us. " is he bothering you?" He asked looking at me. I turn around and look at Luke who is looking at me intently.

"Yes" I say coldly. Luke looks at me shocked and retracts his arms away and walks off with his head down.

"You alright?"

"Yes I'm fine"

"Did he hurt you!"

"No I'm fine thank you" with that I walk off and  walk to my next period.


After school I'm so tired I can't wait to just get home and sleep.

"Excuse me?" I turn around only to find Nick walking up to me


" just wondering if you want a ride? Just in case that guy bothers you again"

"No he won't, but thank you anyway"

"Ok well I will see you around"

When I reach home I am so tired I don't even bother to eat anything I just belly flop on the bed and that's me I'm out


Hey guys!! I hope you like the first chapter of MH please comment, like and vote it will mean the world!! Thanks

See you soon

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