chapter one - lauren really fucked up (according to her)

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The doctors always say it's a good idea to talk to people in comas, but they don't tell you how hard it is. I can't bear it, sitting there, saying whatever comes into my head whilst her eyes stay firmly closed - and she's so pale. She looks like she hasn't left the house in months, but it was only two days ago that we were oblivious to what was about to happen.

I wish I could forget.

I know it was my fault even though I know no one will let me say it was - I can still think it was, and I do, all the time. I know they blame me deep down, especially Brian. I can see it in his face everytime he looks at me, so I try to stay away. He's always by her side, so I don't end up visiting much anyway.

I can remember everything from the day it happened.


'We're meant to be adults, Lauren,' said Brian, but I could hear the amusement in his voice. I laughed and grabbed another chair.

'Who the fuck cares? If Joey gets to flip a chair, I can too!' and I threw it in the air to punctuate my point. It flew through the air, dangerously close to Brian's head, and then landed neatly on all fours in front of him, 'Don't tell me you weren't impressed by that!'

'Listen Lauren, I'm not denying your chair flipping skills, but Joey gets to flip a chair because that's what the script says. You're not even in this scene!'

'I dunno Bri, she's pretty good. Maybe she should take Joey's part,' Meredith chimed in, grinning.

'No! No! Stop vandalising my show! Get out of here Lauren!'

I laughed, 'Maybe the entire show should just be me flipping a chair for two hours. Meredith and Joey can be my backup flippers.'


'I'm down for that,' said Joey, nodding his head in approval. Brian looked on the verge of exploding.

It was an average day of rehearsal. We'd been blessed with over 2 months of rehearsal time, a luxury compared to previous shows and far more than we needed, which of course led to times like this. It was kind of nicer this way, and the lack of pressure meant we could all relax a little more, which made for far better working conditions. I was pretty sure this was the only time we hadn't argued in the runup to opening night. It also meant we had far more footage for a behind the scenes video, if we felt like making one.

'How do you actually flip a chair?' asked Meredith, ignoring Brian seething in the corner, 'Teach me your ways, master.'

'Just throw it in the air with passion,' said Joey.

'With passion?'


'The chair?'

'Oh yeah. It's a natural-born gift, I doubt you can achieve the levels of mastery Lauren and I have reached,' he said, casting his eyes over to me, 'Right 'Lo?'

I looked over and nodded in agreement, 'Totally. I wouldn't expect you to be more than a... level 3 chair flipper. More of a chair tosser, really,' I deadpanned. I held his gaze a few seconds more, watching the laughter dance in his eyes. It was pretty. His nose crinkled a bit as he laughed, and I smiled.

I loved the way Joey laughed, gentle and sweet in a way you wouldn't expect for a man of over six foot. It mirrored his personality, kind and humble and amazing and special - he was a great guy, and an even better friend.

'I'm concerned for you guys,' said Meredith, grabbing a chair, 'I think I'm just gonna go for it. Learning on the job, you know? And you're clearly both too immature to give actual advice.'

Joey faked shock, clutching at his heart in mock-dismay, 'Is no one going to protect me from these insults?'

'You're dead to me,' said Brian from the corner, and I watched his eyes light up
as Meredith laughed. Glancing over, I met Joey's for a second before he turned and said something to Jaime in a low voice, who laughed loudly and murmured something back between laughs that I couldn't make out. He looked puzzled, and then she mouthed 'I know'. I looked back over to Meredith, unable to make sense of the exchange.

'Throw the chair already!' I whined, and she laughed again, rolling her eyes at me.

She threw it up in the air.

We all watched as it spun higher and higher.

I gave a shout of warning.

The chair cracked down onto her head.

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