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"Goddamn, look at all that man." I heard a girl whisper from behind me as me and my boyfriend of three years walked into the small Mexican restaurant.

Devon looked back at them and winked, and I unhooked my arm from his, but stayed by his side, not daring to walk in front of him or lag behind.

He believed if I walked in front of him, I appeared to be the "alpha," or the more dominant persona of our relationship, in which he thought he was.

If I lagged behind, well, he assumed me to be lazy and I need to keep up with him so everyone would know we were one.

We walked up to the lady and he held up two fingers, letting her know it was two. She smiled at him and continued down the printed rug until she sat us at a booth.

I sat in front of him, exhaling heavily because I finally was able to get some space. I settled back in my seat as she set the two menus down in front of us. I looked over the menu as she stood at the table.

"Drinks?" I looked up at her name tag, Melissa.

"A water," I say to her in a small but polite voice, turning my head back towards the menu, listening to the same drink Devon gets everywhere he goes, mouthing the word as he says it.

I already knew what he was doing.

He was going to flirt with her because he does it everywhere we go.

I kept my mouth shut and picked my options from the menu. Empanadas, enchiladas, taquerias were the three that sounded best to me.

Melissa lingered around the table as she kept her eyes on Devon, and his on hers as well. They exchanged small talk as if she were on a date with him and not me.

I closed my menu and put it to the edge of the table as she walked away to get our drinks.

I looked up at Devon with a blank expression because I was disgusted with him. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, looking back down at his menu.

Melissa came back to the table quickly with our drinks. "Are you and your sister ready to order?"

My whole mood shifted at that point. Sister? I looked like his damn sister. That's ridiculous.

"Yes, I would like the chicken enchiladas, and so would she."

I'm a damn vegetarian.

I nodded my head though, sat in my seat patiently as she took up both of our menus. I sipped on my water and waited for her to come back, looking around, trying not to make contact with Devon from across the table.

I seen a man look at me from his seat by the bar. We locked eyes for a few seconds and he bit his straw, licking his lips. I immediately got nervous. I looked away from him quickly.

After a few more minutes of me glancing back at him, Melissa came back with our food and winked at Devon. She disappeared into the back again and I seen the man from the bar watching the tv. I looked at my plate and picked the chicken out of the enchilada before eating it.

After we were done, he paid and we rose from our seats, in his hand a napkin Melissa had left on the table with her number on it. I looked back at the man at the bar and he looked at me. We locked eyes again before Devon put his arm over my shoulder, walking us out of the restaurant.

When we made it home, all I wanted to do was sleep. I slept in a separate room than Devon because he didn't want me to interrupt him with another woman, if he were to have one over. Which was about 3 times a week, a different girl each time.

The only reason I am with him is because I need financial support. I work, but it's minimum wage. Plus, I'm saving up so I can buy my own car. I'm no where near the price yet.

I don't love him not one bit, that stopped our first year. He just pays for my schooling and he pays for my mother's insurance because she is back and forth in the hospital.

One day, I will get rich and it's fuck him.

I smiled at my thoughts, going into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the shower on and began to strip from my clothes, staring at my body through the mirror.

I had a cute little body, honestly. I turned around and looked at my butt. Okay, maybe a few more squats to make it rounded, but it was already fat. I was blessed. I turned back around and tilted my head as I looked at my chest. I lifted my boobs up with my hands, 'implants? I could go for implants.'

I turned my whole body around and stepped into the shower, soaping my body up as I thought about the guy at the restaurant. He was cute, I mean, I've never really thought white boys were cute.

His face was making me horny. I haven't had sex in a long time. I mean, two years? Devon used to use and abuse it, but he stopped because he would just invite a different girl. So, I've had to just masturbate or have nothing.

I lifted my leg up on the tub portion of the shower, sliding my hand down to my private part, rubbing on my swollen bud. I slid one of my fingers inside of me and shut my eyes tight, leaning up against the wall.

I moaned quietly, pumping my fingers inside of me as I pictured the mystery man on top of me, giving me the best I've ever had.

I eventually came, pulling my finger out of me, washing my body up again and then rinsing off.

I stepped out of the shower and turned it off, wrapping my towel around my chest, walking back into my room and drying off.

I lotioned my body up and then slipped on my two piece pajama set, getting into my bed, and drifting right onto sleep.

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