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Parents, ugh. I left the bed with my back slouched and headed to the shower,

"Hi! My name is Laura and i'll be your guide today!" She stepped into the building with her assistant behind her.

"You better not mess up this time." Laura's assistant Darla said.

"Okay, okay, im coming, jeeze don't have a cow." Laura said when she was walking towards her group.

"Dude, look at that girls chest? I'd like to tap that." A brown-headed boy whispered to a brown headed-curly haired girl.

"Excuse me sir, but i'd like you to come over here and talk about proper speaking in front of a lady" A security guard dragged the boy away.

"Samantha! Tell them I said that it was just a joke!"

"I dont want them to call my mom!" they dragged him away.

(Samantha's POV)

Derek.. She watched them drag her only friend away. She knew that they were going to call his mom. She giggled at the thought of his mom on a rampage.

"Uhm, whats your name girl?" Laura said to Samantha

Samantha thought that the  guide must of been a year older than her because she had that really young look.

"S-samantha Ridgway ma'mn" She blushed when she seen the woman.

"Well, nice to meet you my name is Laura Osenbaugh."

Laura Osenbagh... Laura Osenbaugh........

I see images going through my head, Playing with a little girl with blonde hair and hair ribbons, birthday parties i never remembered...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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