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        I can assure you that in life you will come across various kinds of people, things and experiences.
Irritating, annoying, funny, kind, plain stupid and even mentally handicapped ones. I can go on and on with this interesting list.

But you see, these people you meet, these conversations that you have, these experiences that you've had, these places that life guides you to leaves a giant footprint in our hearts. We might not notice it, but I can assure you it does.

I'd like to think myself as a very good example. Before my mum died she used to tell me something every time I cried for something I really wanted.
She said and I quote "You might be really young and may not understand the meaning behind my words but it never hurt to try. Enitan, I am a warrior. Your father is a warrior and by our being warriors we gave birth to you - a double warrior. Warriors don't cry. If they want something they fight for it"

These words, although they were said to me a long time ago still resound in my brain every single time my goals seem very unachievable.

So now, you know a couple of things about me. For now, the most important is that my name is Enitan, the warrior.

Hi I'm Toyosi 🇳🇬 and if you've read this chapter I'm extremely glad you did. It's very short but I've had the concept a while back and finally put some words down. Do you like it ? I know the chapter is very short but I can assure you I'll work on that.

Thank you, God bless ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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