Belinda Shnultz

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Most people wake up to the sound of their alarm, or to the birds chirping or maybe even the sweet smell of Breakfast. Me, Cat Graham gets to wake up each day around 4:00 a.m to the sound of a doorbell, or a phone call or on the days I'm lucky my mom just coming home by herself. Today was not one of those lucky days, today it was the doorbell. I walk down the hall letting out a sigh, as I open the door I see our neighborhood police officer, Mike. Most people have to call him Officer Mike but since he has to bring my mom home more than half the time we've become more than just acquaintances. As usual I thank him and lay my mom on the couch. I place a blanket on her and set out a couple of Advil's on the coffee table. Since it's already 4:00 I don't really see a purpose in going back to sleep, school starts in a couple of hours so I usually just hang out in my bed on my phone, plus someone should probably keep an eye on my mom while she's still drunk to make sure she doesn't wander off somewhere, since she's single and I'm her only kid, that person would be me.

A few hours later it's time for school so I head out the door and on the bus. When I get there I immediately see my group of friends. Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty popular at school. But to be honest it's not really like I deserve it, at my school popularity is based solely on your looks. I'm pretty so I'm popular, yeah I know it's pretty messed up but it's high school nothing really makes sense. The second person I see is Belinda Shnultz, words can't even express how much I hate this bitch. My friends just think I hate her because she's an ugly smart ass little bitch, and while yes she is all that she's also just so rich and spoiled and she just has everything and she just has whine about, about having everything. So I bully her, yes I know bullying is wrong and you should just spread rainbows and smiley faces, but not everyone's life are full of rainbows and smiley faces some people meet their monsters and demons young which drives out the happiness and innocence of rainbows and smiley faces you once had. So why should we continue to protect the privileged? Why should we be the only ones that suffer? Why do they get everything just handed to them and I can't even get a hug? Or a dollar? Or something other then pain and suffering, once just once I would like to feel how people like Belinda get to feel everyday. I know bullying her isn't going to help me feel that, but maybe it will help her feel my pain.

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