Time to Celebrate by MOD SUN

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I paced the floor of my small studio apartment, knowing I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. I glanced at the clock. It was 12:31. I sighed and decided to call my best friend, Izzy. She would definitely be awake.

I quickly dialed her number and she picked up the phone after two rings, "Hey," she said, "You can't sleep either?"

"Nope." I told her, "Hey, are you all packed?"

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"The drive is nine hours. Why don't we just leave now?" I suggested.

"That sounds pretty good." She said.

"Ok, sweet. I have to get ready, so I'll be by to pick you up in about thirty minutes." I told her.

"Alright. We must look presentable for the people of Warped." She joked. I laughed and hung up the phone. I walked into my small bathroom and started straightening my long black and red hair. Then adding some eyeliner.

I examined myself in the mirror and then walked back into my kitchen/bedroom/living room/everything else. I slid on my "COME AT ME, BRO" tank, along with some pink, ripped skinny jeans and my neon yellow Vans. I threw my pajamas in my bulging suitcase that was laying on my bed, zipped it up, and grabbed my guitar case.

I sighed trying to calm myself. I was so excited! I headed out the door with my suitcase in one hand, guitar case in the other, and backpack hanging off my shoulders.

I ran down the stairs of my apartment, that was positioned right above a Mexican restaurant in downtown Denver, and ran out the door. My car was parked a few blocks away, in a public parking area right outside the Summit Music Hall. I threw my luggage in the backseat and hopped into my open-aired, red Jeep. The streets were surprisingly busy for one o'clock in the morning on a Friday. While we were at a stoplight, I sighed and slammed my head into my steering wheel. Even though we didn't have a flight to catch, it still felt like we were in a hurry. The light turned green and the cold night air nipped my skin as I drove.

I pulled up to Izzy's apartment building fifteen minutes later. She was standing out front with three suitcases. I laughed and rolled my eyes and the amount of things she had brought. She threw all of her stuff in the back and climbed in. Her brown and blonde hair was teased and she was wearing a Blood on the Dance Floor t-shirt and a pair of shorts. A pair of Converse covered her feet.

"You ready?" I asked once she got in.

"Duh!" She said, barely containing her excitement.

The drive was long and tedious. We listened to all thirty CDs that I owned and we each took turns driving.

"Ugh, how much longer until we get there?" Izzy complained while we were stopped at a gas station to get nachos.

I pulled out my phone to check, "Um, about another hour." I told her. We were in Springville, Utah at seven thirty in the morning. We didn't have to get to the hotel until eleven, but it might be nice to have some extra time. We bought our nachos and walked back to the car. I hopped in the Jeep and started the engine. But behind us, I heard a slow hissing noise. We looked back in time to see the tire deflating, because of a nail sticking out of its side.

"Shit." Izzy put my thoughts into words.

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