Leaving town

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Lana stopped in front of him, her backpack hanging off her shoulder. 

"You said you would take me anywhere, right?"

Abel took a puff of his ciagrette.

"I did."  He answered.

"And that we could go anywhere, whenever and where ever. That we could turn our backs to the wind,  and act like  everything  until  this moment has  never happened and that this...this is the beginning. You said that?"

He looked into her eyes, standing up.

"I did."

Lana stepped closer to him, moving a long black curl out of her face. She was breathless.
"Then let's go."

Abel paused to look at her. The sun was setting behind her over the desert, dying the sky from baby blue, to soft magenta. It was a Friday night, and everyone was heading to the high school football game. Everyone except Lana and Abel. She looked so lost in her leather jacket, which seemed to dwarf her frame. Her eyes searched yearningly.  This wasn't a joke.

He put out out his cigarette without looking away.

"What happened?" Abel said.

She shook her head, Her voice trembling.

"It doesn't matter. Can you take me with you?"

He paused again. Her lips were parted, and she was shifting her weight aimlessly.

"Please?" Lana said.

He could hear the cheers of the Pep rally in the distance. It would be the last time they heard that chant.

"Ok." He said.

She exhaled deeply, but didn't move an inch.


He walked round the corner to where his motorcycle was parked, sat down and revved the engine. She sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Lana could smell the cigarette smoke on his jacket, dry and familiar. The sound of the motorcycle shot out the screams and cheers of the pep rally. She looked back once before the  motorcycle shot off. It was all behind her now. Only sunset laid before them, and the open road.

                              End of chapter

"Anywhere" a Lana and Abel ShortWhere stories live. Discover now